MGHIHP ABSN Spring 2015

U.S.A. Massachusetts


Hello applicants! The time is coming close to finding out if we are in or not, just checking in with others. From last year's thread it seems around 8/31 we will know! Good luck all!!

Rejected. Congratulations to all of you! Wishing you luck throughout the program.

I got in! I'm so happy and relieved all at the same time!

AEC626, don't give up hope, re-apply for the May 2015 cohort. I have seen students get in the second time around

I'm in!!! Congrats everyone!! Now I have to decide between here and Duke...:nailbiting:

A good friend of mine applied twice and got in the second time! It's not unusual for MGH for applicants to apply more than once. Good luck!

Congrats to everyone! To the others who did not get in, I agree, try again....I heard the same thing....people get in the next time around..Good Luck!

I'm in too!!! Hooray!!! Congrats to everyone else who's hearing good things! I'm over the moon!

I got in too!! Congrats to all of you!!!

Congrats to everyone who got in! My application still hasn't updated :(

Accepted!!! So happy :)

Congrats to everyone who got in!! I wish I knew where on the waiting list I was.. Now for more waiting :laugh:

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