Metropolitan Medical Center currently hiring staff nurses

World Philippines


Hi! For those interested, just this morning I heard from a newly hired staff nurse in Metropolitan Medical Center that the hospital is currently hiring staff nurses. Sadly, I can't apply there for personal reasons.

Do any of you know other hospitals there in Manila or QC that are also currently hiring staff nurses without undergoing months of volunteer training prior to employment? Kindly inform me please. :nurse:

By the way, my informant said the give preference to chinese applicants.

I went there last december 2010 and passed some of the requirements. they did not gave me those exams and interview.

Ooh! i'll pass again my requirements!

Hi guys! I just came from Metropolitan. All they took from me were my Resume, TOR and Board rating. Right after, they gave me the exam and I was interviewed by a doctor. They said they don't have any openings for staff nurse as of now but they have an opening at the marine services department, like the receptionist and clerical work. They even offered me to start immediately, like tomorrow already. They also told me that from marine services, I can transfer to the hospital. Do you know anyone who was able to do that? I'm really considering it but I'd prefer a hospital experience.

hmm, maybe you are a pretty girl! hehehe... that is what they are looking for in an applicant..

this is what goes in that hospital.. if you are good looking, you have great chances of getting hired.. at first they will offer you a receptionist job or work in marines while waiting for a vacancy in the hospital. then after a couple of months (my friend transferred to ward after 5 or 6 months working as receptionist, really depends if a lot of nurses resigned) they will offer you a job in ward, you will be an orientee first, of course. then that's it! in my friend's case, she resigned in the hospital after a month or so, then she was acquired in marines since there is an opening. she's now working in marines, and she also told me that in cert. of employment it will be stated there that you work as staff nurse.

hope this helps you to make decision.. goodluck!:yeah::yeah:

if you are trained in this hospital, is there a chance to get hired?

are they still any vacant position in this hospital?? Do they still accept if ill pass may resume there tomorrow?

abby_rn, what kind of exam have you taken?

they are placing Ad i think since 09, well, lets just hope some staffs eventually decide to challenged themselves working abroad.

PERSONALITY, i guess, is their main qualification not the License.... Its so discriminating... :(

awwwwww thats bad tsk!tsk! :crying2:

i graduated from their school and sadly we're not absorbed. yes, board rating and trainings are not considered. if u're pretty, tall and chinese u'll definitely get hired.

i passed my req. last year, and sadly i wasn't able to get a call from them. it's sad because my ave. board rating was 81.40% and i had really good grades when i was in college but they didn't considered that.

one of my classmate (who used to copy answers from me during exams and has very poor board rating) got in because she's chinese and her father was very close to one of the doctors who has an admin position in the hosp.

it's sad how things are turning out for us nurses. i hope and pray that we may all have a great job as a nurse someday.

oh and one thing, my other classmate who was an MVP in our collegiate basketball team and who also plays in the hospital basketball tournament was also hired even though he wasn't able to pass the nle. the doctor that i was talking about in the last post was very close to him and he was hired shortly after the result was released.

i actually submitted my resumes twice in that hospital and i think they prefer "model-type" of nurses. i have a cousin working as a midwife their for more than 10 years & she told me that they usually hire "pretty" applicants.. that's why you'll notice that most of the female employees there are good-looking..

Do they really prioritize good looking nurses? Two of my classmates were accepted there last year and one of them was a close friend of mine (yes of course she's pretty) both of them are lucky to be a regular staff nurse of metro after 6 months of training. Planning to pass my application soon, lol ;)

They hire nurses based on their looks-and backers, not based on their qualifications and credentials..what a shame!!!! i'm sure it will backfire on them somehow...

it should be based on their performance then having a beautiful face is just a plus factor

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