Mercy Hospital (Miami) LPN-RN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone,

I'm looking into bridging into this program and wanted to know if there are any students out there (current or former) that would be able to provide information for this program. Such as quality of program, difficulty getting in, etc.... I do know that they are now accredited by ACEN. Any information would be great.

Thank you

2 minutes ago, AshleySmith said:

Hopefully we hear soon! And get through this together!

Yesssss absolutely !!

1 hour ago, AshleySmith said:

I have a back up plan but the program is 18 vs. 12 months at mercy. Mercy is a drive for me I’m in Fort Lauderdale but it’s the best schedule I could find with needing to work even part time. So fingers crossed. I hope worst case scenario they hold August for Jan, which I wouldn’t like cause it’s more time till we can become RNs but I’d be ok with that with 100% certainty we would be starting no more waiting on emails. From what I understand part of the deposit is refundable they is a portion that is not.

Oh wow. Yea , you are in broward. And I was complaining about being in Miranda’ but sheesh . You are further up. I’m hoping that they don’t hold it because I want to get started already but if so then it is what it is. The program you are saying that’s 18 months , is it a private school?

Jersey College they are now accredited. It’s literally 10 min from my house. I had previously looked into it as it was so close to me but at the time it as only approved. They have day and evening bridge programs.

Oh ok . Yea I looked into them too. I’m glad to hear that they are accredited now. It’s just super expensive but if anything I will look into that school too .

Mercy has a January Start!!! ? ?

What the possible start dates for Mercy?????

Mercy doesn’t give any start dates . I don’t even know the start date for August yet . For January, I would call the school to find out

17 hours ago, AshleySmith said:

Jersey College they are now accredited. It’s literally 10 min from my house. I had previously looked into it as it was so close to me but at the time it as only approved. They have day and evening bridge programs.

I have a co-worker who’s in the evening program and I believe it’s part time 7 semester and 22/24 months long. Jersey College is mad expensive though like 33-35K. In my opinion I honestly don’t feel it’s worth paying that much for only an AS degree. I know Southeastern is accredited as well and just as expensive as Jersey college.

So ladies, I just called the school . They said everyone should receive an email by a Tuesday of next week informing them of acceptance or not for the August program

Fingers crossed it’s been so stressful. Yes Jersey is expensive. I’ve looked at MDC, I’m avoiding Broward since it’s been a nightmare for other friends of mine. I just like mercy since it’s all right there at the hospital not trekking around for clinicals.

1 minute ago, Ankadizzle said:

So ladies, I just called the school . They said everyone should receive an email by a Tuesday of next week informing them of acceptance or not for the August program

Thank you. Now we all can have peace of mind for the next few days.

1 minute ago, AshleySmith said:

Fingers crossed it’s been so stressful. Yes Jersey is expensive. I’ve looked at MDC, I’m avoiding Broward since it’s been a nightmare for other friends of mine. I just like mercy since it’s all right there at the hospital not trekking around for clinicals.

So True.

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