MEPN 2015

Nursing Students NP Students


Thought I would get this started...

Who is applying for UCSF MEPN Program currently?

I got an interview for 1/23 too! So excited!!

Me too! I'm on the 30th. I'm beyond thrilled!

Congrats everyone that's amazing!!!!!!!

I'm so nervous!!! I hope I'm accepted! Best of luck to everyone.

oh my goodness!!! i wonder if all the e-mails were sent out at the same time!

I hope so!! I'm dying to know...

Honestly, I would just enjoy your free time right now. During the MEPN year you'll have approximately zero free time, so live it up while you have it. It is an accelerated program but it's doable. As for things like pharm, our class was kind of a disaster this year but you really learn pharmacology on the floor not in the classroom. 2013 MEPNs gave our cohort the same advice about not worrying about prep and I'm very glad I took it. Also, I do live close to school. I moved from Brooklyn, NY with my husband, 6 month old son and two dogs in April. Many people commute from the East Bay but I wasn't willing to give up any extra hours away from my little boy.

The first year is Monday through Friday right? What were the class hours like? How was it going through it being married and with a small child?

The schedule through the MEPN year varies a ton. In the first quarter you'll all be together in Nursing Fundamentals, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. Lectures are M and W from 9-4. On Tuesday's you'll be learning skills in sim lab and running simulations (I loved this part). Thursday and Friday you'll be in the hospital from 6:30-4ish. Clinical rotations start week 1. You will have a test almost every Sunday. Exams are not proctored, they're taken at home (or wherever you want) generally between 10am and 10pm. The Sunday exams leave you feeling like you never get a break, and you don't really, but it flies by! In one week I'll be half way through! In the fall quarter half of you stay in med-surg with a lighter lecture schedule and two back-to-back 12 hr clinicals. The other half goes on to L&D, Community and Social Issues (expect a certain degree of chaos during this rotation).

MEPN is pretty taxing on relationships, especially if you have kids. Your partner ends up doing way more than their fair share. Be prepared to thank your loved ones profusely. My now 1 year old, is like a nightly vacation from school. I'm happy to talk more to anyone coming into this with kids. There are a few other moms in my class and at least one with another infant. Seems like all of the moms are doing great. Maybe it's a weird advantage, who knows?

I also got an email! Super pumped! January 30th

Congrats! I haven't heard anything. I wonder if it depends on the specialty?

Interview invite! FNP. Jan 30th. UCSF. Just need to coordinate with my work!

I am beyond happy!

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