

long term care, Rehab

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About RN2B78

RN2B78 specializes in long term care, Rehab.

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  1. Shy guys

    this is a great post and I love all of the responses! this used to me! I finally took sometime to be very comfortable with who I am and have confidence that I have have researched what it is that I am speaking on and I know the in's and out's of th...
  2. how long have you been an aide?

    CONGRATS!!! good luck to you I know you are very excited!
  3. how long have you been an aide?

    I am just wondering how long some of us have been in the feild? this includes nurses...were you an aide before you went to nursing school? and do you feel it is a need to become an aide first before you move on to the next "phase" of nursing?
  4. Thank You Cna's!!!

    it is great to hear a heartfelt thank you!! sometimes its the little things that keep you going. make sure you tell your aides thank you each and everyday, it really makes them strive to be the best they can be
  5. CNA Pay/Other ?'s

    hello I have been an STNA for the past 8 years an I am now making around 15 and hour but back in the day when I started it was 8/hour (talk about a overworked and underpaid haha) but a lot of places go based on your expeirience. its hard to tell but...
  6. first 2 days of clinicals eye opener :(

    I love this post...I preently work in long term care and I get so frustrated when I try so hard to make my patients as comfortable as possible when everyone else around me just seems to do the bare minimum. I just cant understand people today and wh...
  7. Share The Weirdest Reasons Patients Push The Call Light

    lol these are all very good haha makes me feel like I am right back at work!! i once had a gentleman ring his bell because he wanted to make sure it worked...and then I also had a lady that would hit the call light just to see how fast we could get ...
  8. Sleeping on The Job?

    very good input from everyone kind of somewhat on the same topic... nurses that are travelers...how are they treated in facilities...I have often thought about doing it but in the same breath I wouldnt like to be treated differently due to being a tr...
  9. interested in becoming a CNA/STNA (OH)

    well I will answer one of the topics...the pay depending on where you are located (I cant speak for the akron area) but here in Columbus a lot of places pay based on expierience. around here it is generally in the 10.00-12.00 range
  10. LPN North Adult Columbus, Ohio

    Hello there I was wondering if anyone has taken or is in the program at North Adult. If so how long it took to actually get into the program. my plan is to go there for the LPN and then on to an LPN -> RN Program as if to do it in phases. let m...
  11. Is professor homophobic or just tough?

    It is sad but many of people today still believe in ways that homosexuality is a sin, and yes (not to toss out religion) but the bible does say that man shall not lay with another man, but in the same breath it also says thou shall not steal, fornic...