Published Nov 16, 2006
1,531 Posts
I hate saying "expired" for someone who is dead and I could also do without seeing "morbid obesity" or even obese in the chart.
I know being overweight is a serious health issue, but those words are so ugly to me.
So, what are some medical terms you could do without or you think are strange?
147 Posts
I have an issue with non-compliant. Were they taught? Do they know how to deal with the condition?
406 Posts
I don't care for the term "expired" either. It's not so much when medical professionals use it amongst themselves but I have seen nurses and doctors inform a family member that thier love one has "expired".
To me it just sounds so blase...likening grandma to a carton of milk...expired. I know that's not the intent and I certainly don't get all emotional over every patient that passes...I just try not to use that term with lay people.
56 Posts
i hate od,ou, os, ad,au,as, as abbreviations....they're confusing don't save time and you only save one letter as eye or ear are 3 letters long.
Multicollinearity, BSN, RN
3,119 Posts
I don't like the term compliant either. It sounds so heavy-handed and patriarchal to me. I prefer the new lingo, 'adhere' or 'adherent'. Patients may choose to adhere to recommended treatment. Comply implies authority to order around to me, and I don't like that.
I guess just because adhere is being taught in academia...the real world may or may not catch on.
Also, for example, elderly prima gravida. Like 35 is elderly! Maybe it was in the year 1898. That term needs to go!
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
i havent routinely used "non-compliant" for awhile..... i use "pt declined----" me this infers more thought on their part...that they werent just refusing.......I think "elderly prima gravida" is a descriptive, suggestive of particular outcomes.......i wonder what we could use for "obese"......hmmm
6,011 Posts
I much prefer a simple your ____ died. Expired to me indicates breathed out. Poof. Or like the carton of milk, ran out of usefulness.
Obese......what's wrong with patient is 50 lbs over normal weight.
The Latin language is my love, BUT...I agree that ear and eye are not as likely to be misunderstood as OD, OS, OU.
Fetal Demise It sounds so cold.What about the baby died, the baby was born dead.
X this one is fraught with misinterpretation. EG: (exempli gratia-for example) Hx=history? hysterectomy? height?
Tx=treatment? traction? times?
221 Posts
adult diapers -> incontinence briefs
DNR -> AND (allow natural death)
clemmm78, RN
440 Posts
I agree with the adult diapers. I always say to my patients that we are going to check or change their briefs or their pads. I hate to say diaper. Same with bib.
I've never used expired, I can't recall seeing it. We say deceased or died.
I also dislike "feeding" a patient. I prefer to say that I'm going to help them have their meal.
Oh, another one. Good leg/arm versus bad leg/arm. Talk about reinforcing wounded body image.
379 Posts
Failure to Progress - it implies the woman didn't try hard enuf or it was somehow her fault her cervix didn't cooperate.
Also Failed VBAC
66 Posts
Pulmonary toilet...I just hate that phrase!