Published Aug 6, 2005
233 Posts
Hello, All
How many of you have health insurances? Are you recieving the best medical insurance for yourself and/or family members? Lastly, does the medical insurance cost a lot and if you do not mind could you share the amount for the insurance and deductible?
If you do not have coverage of medical insurance and could you tell is why?
I was wondering how many medical professionals working with out insurance. If you are working, and is it wise to work without insurance? Lastly. do you feel that everyone in medical profossional should have health
Thank you for your partcipation.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
hello, allhow many of you have health insurances? are you recieving the best medical insurance for yourself and/or family members? lastly, does the medical insurance cost a lot and if you do not mind could you share the amount for the insurance and deductible?if you do not have coverage of medical insurance and could you tell is why?i was wondering how many medical professionals working with out insurance. if you are working, and is it wise to work without insurance? lastly. do you feel that everyone in medical profossional should have healththank you for your partcipation.buttons
how many of you have health insurances? are you recieving the best medical insurance for yourself and/or family members? lastly, does the medical insurance cost a lot and if you do not mind could you share the amount for the insurance and deductible?
if you do not have coverage of medical insurance and could you tell is why?
i was wondering how many medical professionals working with out insurance. if you are working, and is it wise to work without insurance? lastly. do you feel that everyone in medical profossional should have health
thank you for your partcipation.
i am most fortunate. my insurance is through my state for my dh is employed by the state. deductable is $500.00 and premiums $65.00 each month. there is a 90/10 participation.
yes, everyone, not just health care professionals, should have medical insurance, however, that is almost an impossibility for many. few can afford the premiums. as for receiving good, quality medical care....yes. i am on a system that has a very wide field of participation by providers and hospitals.
i realize i am not the norm.
siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
rjflyn, ASN, RN
1,240 Posts
OK this is my soap box--- personally if you work in health care your insurance/coverage should be free and i mean free no copay, no charge for meds.
Having said that the range of what people pay is wide-- I have worked in a handful of hospitals in the last 10 yrs and the cost varies. For me and my spouse it was as little as free for HMO coverage with $15 office copay with 7/14/24 copays for drugs- this was at a unionized hospital. The most expensive being about $300month with $25 copay at the office and 10/20/45 drugs. They main key is how much you pay vs how much you get out of it. For example we have about 6-8 RX's we fill on a ongoing basis so we get more out of it than we pay.
1,164 Posts
Hello, AllHow many of you have health insurances? Are you recieving the best medical insurance for yourself and/or family members? Lastly, does the medical insurance cost a lot and if you do not mind could you share the amount for the insurance and deductible?If you do not have coverage of medical insurance and could you tell is why?I was wondering how many medical professionals working with out insurance. If you are working, and is it wise to work without insurance? Lastly. do you feel that everyone in medical profossional should have healthThank you for your partcipation.Buttons
I don't, and it is starting to scare the heck out of me! One of the reasons why I decided to go for my ADN instead of going for my BSN which I had been accepted for this fall. I'm able to go full-time in my job so that I'll be able to get health benefits.
Because I weigh more than I should, I can't get insurance on my own. This job will provide me with the benefits I need, plus the fringe benefit of tuition in a way, it is a win-win situation.
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
Medical insurance here is outrageous for employees, coverage is very restricted, and co-pays are terrible. The big dogs in the area only cover services at the regular rate at another facility they do not offer, but there is always a catch. Even ER services are high if you cannot go to your own facility.
Sick days are earned but who can ever take them and not be written up on the evaluation. One facility here has a rule, get sick 3 times in a year and you are fired. Even if you are in a auto accident, injured at work, have an emergency procedure, or come down with a new illness, they will fire you if you have 3 occasions of illness in the calendar year. The year it flooded so badly here and roads were washed out, nurses who never missed work were absent, we all got letters stating we were on notice for absence. Thankfully, one of the nurses who is married to a lawyer threatened a lawsuit, he even contacted the legal department of the facility to state he would represent any nurse fired d/t absence related to this act of God. There were 3 more occasions of flooding and no one was threatened again.
If any nurse thinks just because we are exposed to sickness everyday, so the facility will take that into consideration if we are absent is no very educated in just how facilities work. I also think since I pay for the insurance, and the last place I worked I payed to the tune of over 400.00 month, I should be able to chose where I go and who I see. Not so here.
1,260 Posts
I pay very little towards my health insurance for myself and my wife, no kids. The facillity gives us "flex dollars" that we can use towards our benes, such as extra life insurance, long term disability, etc.... I pay over the "flex dollars" for these items to a tune of around $60 a month. Without these my health would be virtually free. I don't see what the problem is in paying a co=pay at the doc's office. Are we so cheap we can't afford it? Health insurance has gotten so out of control in this country I can't see why your employer should shoulder all of the costs. A little help is in order. Now, the only thing I do object to is prescription drugs. I don't like the formulary, non- formulary situation. Here is where your employer should step forward and help. Drugs are the biggest expense for alot of people and can be downright overwhelming. My wife has to take Cozaar for HTN and it would normally cost around $100 a month. It took me close to 6 months to convonce them that this was the ONLY drug that helped her and finally got them to pay half the cost. Society today can't expect what was done many years ago. Look at some of the large corporations that have virtually taken away pensions and health insurance from long time retirees because of the always changing business world. It sounds nice and is great for the retiree that makes MORE retired than when they worked full-time and yu have to wonder how a company can handle this burden. This is why, in my opinion, companies can not be expected to pay for all health expenses for employees. Also, employeesr should give employees a choice of insurance plans and not restrict them to the company they negotiated with. I would rather apy a little more out of my own pocket and get the plan that is right for me and my family than except one that is limited to useless items and areas. The biggest reason we look around for new employment is for the benes, good insurance is the number one. This is the item perspective employees should always look at. You have to look after your family and shouldn't settle for a facility just because the hours and pay are good. Health insurance should always be a PRIORITY when it comes to protecting your families health. Never compromise! Good luck. Mike
75 Posts
The Health Insurance crisis in this country should not be happening. More and more people are finding themselves without health insurance at no fault of their own.
Why is it that our country will extend full health care benefits to illegal aliens who land on our doorstep yet will not help out those who have been paying into the tax system all their lives? :angryfire
The health insurance offered by the hospital that I work at covers next to nothing. Our pension plan is being chisled away at each year. I consider myself on the "work till I drop plan"
28 Posts
To respond to the above by Barefootlady, that seems to be a very strict call in policy. Do you work in a hospital or a nursing home? Three call-ins in a callendar year and you're fired? Seems very strict to me. As nurses, we are human and are exposed to disease. We can come down with the common cold and the flu just like anyone else. How can we take care of our patients if we are sick ourselves. If we are sick, we are more like to make errors on the job. The same goes with flooding, or snowstorms and other acts of nature.
I am not saying not to have a disciplinary policy for excessive call ins, but three in a year seems harsh.
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
I pay 102 per paycheck (so usually, 204 a month) for family coverage-myself, my hubby, and my 3 kids. we have 15 dollar copays for PCP, 25 for specialist, 50 for ED (waived if you are admitted) 200 for inpatient care, 160 for maternity care.
178 Posts
I start work tomorrow, and that's when our benefits beging. I will be paying $48 something per pay for me and my 2 year old. No deductable, $15 copay for PCP visits, $50 for ER unless admitted then waived, hospitalizations covered 100%, maternity 100% after initial $50 or $100 copay. Prescriptions are covered 80%, but if I go to certain pharmacies, I can get a discount on the med.
needs help
35 Posts
I'm almost sorry I looked at this thread because this is a VERY hot topic for me right now. While I was working my ins. was paid by employer, but adding my family was approx. $500.00/month. But, the coverage was great, $20.00 for MD visits, $30.00 for specialist, $10.00(generic)/$15.00(brand) for meds locally, with a 90 day by mail system @ $20.00(generic)/$40.00(Brand) for a 90 day supply. I honestly believe EVERYONE should have insurance. What made me one of the great uninsured was a MVA on the way home from work one am. I have been out since Jan 3, 2005. I have been struggling to pay premiums (even took out a loan) until now. Four days ago I was informed I was no longer on leave from work I had been terminated and therefore had no coverage. I was going to be offered COBRA coverage but when I got the papers Friday I found out I will need to pay almost $1,000.00/month to keep coverage on myself and my husband. Insurance for us is not really optional since our meds, together, cost almost $3,000.00/month if we don't have coverage. The meds cost so much because of my hubby being a bad diabetic on insulin with H/O 2MI's and chronic CHF as well as chronic pain mgmt. meds D/T his disability. As for my meds I'm on multiple antidepressants (because of being unable to work anymore) as well as cardiac meds and many chronic pain meds also. Since my Husband is disabled and fighting for social security and I am now unable to return to the career I love so much (Ever per the MD's) because of my injuries from the MVA, income is severely limited. Since my hubby has no income and my long term disability was 100% paid by my employer and I am no longer employed I don't even know if I will be getting the approx. $1,800.00/month check anymore, all I can do is wait and see if a check shows up in about 10 days.
Sorry my answer is so long but I couldn't fully answer the questions any shorter. I am honestly at my wits end! I am beginning to think total nationalized health coverage may really be the way to go. I logically know that it won't work but at this point I just really need coverage and don't know where to find coverage that is affordable and has no preexisting clause.
If anyone knows of a company like that please let me know so I can at least check into it and see if I can afford it
Thanks for letting me vent. Rhonda
2,836 Posts
I have no insurance. I just work part-time as I have to take care of my 83 year old mother who has Alzheimer's. I did try several times in the past to get insurance but couldn't. Once I told them I had a history of malignant melanoma they all refused to insure me.