Published Mar 17, 2011
527 Posts
Medi Tech...Who slept with who in order to have this documentation program set in place?
and could somebody direct me to who I need to sleep with in order to stop this madness?
Can I speak on behalf of all nurses who have "Recent Floor" experience and say it is not nurse-friendly?...
If one of the representatives would be humble enough to contact me...I could vastly improve the system and make it to the point where many would want the program used at their facilities....
I have an idea that you all could implement and it wouldn't even cost extra money...
punkydoodlesRN, BSN, RN
485 Posts
I have a suggestion. How about using something newer than DOS-like?? I can't even express my pure, burning, hatred for that program.
Up for a Ménage à trois?? :redbeathe
22 Posts
lol. I don't care for it either. at least I know I'm not the only one! To me it seems a little outdated. That being said I am starting to get used to it....sort of.
258 Posts
I have a suggestion. How about using something newer than DOS-like??
They are still looking DOS-like?
I remember using the system way back in 1998 and it looked like DOS back then. I thought meditech had come up with a GUI version by now.
They are still looking DOS-like?I remember using the system way back in 1998 and it looked like DOS back then. I thought meditech had come up with a GUI version by now.
Perhaps they have and our facility just hasn't caught up with the times. But yup, still looks like I'm working in DOS. HATE that system. It takes me forever to chart in it. Thankfully it's not very often that I have to. Our women's services uses a different system, so I only have to pull up medi tech if I have a medical female pt admitted to the floor.
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
Perhaps the appearance is related to the version of MEDITECH your organization is using.
Client Server MEDITECH looks more GUI like than Magic versions.
5.6 Client Server has also eliminated the menu driven format and gone to icons.
6.0 is also far more GUI like and the most current version of MEDITECH out.
Perhaps the question needs to be to your hospital leadership - "When are we going to upgrade our version of MEDITECH?"
Good Luck!
4 Posts
we have meditech 6.0 and i need tutorial to build notes and careplans for therapist (pt,ot,st) any advices???
e-mail me off off line with specifics and i'll see if i can assist.
25 Posts
HAHA. WELL SAID! And let me know if I can be of assitance....In helping you show them where they can put this sytem! I HATE this dinosaur! These hospitals are cheap....but heres the thing..stay with paper then!!!!!
19 Posts
In the middle of building and implementing the 6.0 version and have found it to be very nurse friendly and easy to use. Sounds like everyone is right and maybe it is time for an upgrade! Good Luck!!!
244 Posts
Most hospitals have to look at the bottom line. Meditech has been around since the early 80's which in the computer world is a really long time so realistically a complex application such as Meditech will be built on older technology. Newer versions have more of a gui interface so I suspect your hospital probably has not upgraded and is on a older, Magic version.
Our facility recently considered switching to Epic quoted at a cost of 90 million dollars and it was still missing ambulatory and blood bank. Even after purchasing Epic, we still would have to keep Meditech for the missing components. You might hate how it looks but speaking from the backend - intergration, support and price definitely come into play.
I'm not saying that Meditech is the best but every system has it flaws.
Applications are like cars - doesn't matter how pretty they look; if they can't get you where you need to go.
TonyaM73, ASN, RN
249 Posts
We have Medi tech also and it is such a pain. It took so much time to understand that you have to press enter here, but the next page to do the same thing you have to press control and don't get me started on the function keys.