Hi all. Although I am working med/surge full time now, I still pick up a shift in a LTC facility 1/wk. PRN, so I working someone else's routine.
Last night's 2-10 was a nightmare. Unfamiliar with residents on the station, family complaining of AM breathing Tx not being done, no charting, etc.
This could go on, but my main concern/question of the day being.....
Say a Resident has meds at:
1900 (mostly Xanax here)
Obviously,these meds are all being given @ 1700, with "supper".
1600 and 1800 fall into the time frame, but 1900 does not.
So I have alert residents refusing the 1900 med because "they don't get a pill now"( But I went by the mars timeframe)
I understand not wanting to be on the med cart all night, but giving xanax 2hours early seems extreme (and illegal?)
As a new nurse I am trying to practice good habits, as well as what I was taught in school. I double check residents by comparing the picture, asking their name and having it clarified by a staff member, etc. I am already being classified as "a little anal".
Any input?