MCG Clinical Nurse Leader - Fall 2010

U.S.A. Georgia


I have applied to MCG's MSN-CNL Program to start in Fall 2010, and I am wondering if current/past students could tell me when (as in what month) they received a phone call for an interview or acceptance/rejection letters.

Additionally, I applied to the Athens Campus program, so will the interview be held in Athens, or will I need to drive to Augusta? Thanks for helping me plan ahead :) I really hope I am the type of candidate they are looking for!

-- CB

Adriane and I stopped in at the Athens campus on Thursday and they said that they are still working on the Fall 2010 schedule but in previous years the first semester CNL schedule has been:

Monday and Thursday - All day classes on campus

Tuesday and Wednesday - Sim Labs

Friday - Clinicals

So, we may be on campus or in clinicals 5 days a week during the fall semester. I'm hoping that the subsequent semesters will require less on campus time.

oh, really? I thought that thing online said 2 to 3 days a week on Campus. And Ms. Mitchel told me before the most a week on campus would be 4. Maybe we will find out soon.

The CNL page says 'at least' 2-3 days a week. I hope you're right! Maybe there are some students that do labs on Tues and the rest on Wednesdays.

Well, we may not have official letters yet, but making sure our vaccines are up to date is something we CAN do while we wait:

At least that is one thing that I know I have completed. I currently work in an ER and have to keep up with all of my immunizations including annual TB testing and flu shot. :) Looking forward to getting all the paperwork in the mail. How is everyone doing. I am counting down the weeks until my final pre-req is done :)

Hi Guys, I'm a current Augusta CNL and wanted to give you some info. Last fall we had class on Monday (2 lecture classes and 2 were online), and lab twice a week. Toward the end of the semester lab was over and we had clinic one day a week. This semester we have class all day Monday (3 lectures, 2 online classes), clinic Tuesday and Wednesday (and every second Wednesday was a Mental Health rotation instead of the hospital), and Thursday and Fridays were alternated for Sim. Sim lab is only once a week, but we alternated days and am/pm so if I had lab this Thursday a.m., then next week I'll have lab Friday a.m., etc. I don't know how this summer is going to work exactly but it looks like we'll have 2 classes by lecture and 2 online again, 2 days of clinic every week (we'll have community health rotations and hospital clinic, either the 1st or 2nd 1/2 depending on what group we are in) and sim lab either Thursday p.m. or Friday a.m (rotating again).

For you out-of-towners who are attending Augusta campus I wanted you to know that there are others in my class who are renting an apartment or staying on campus during the school week and then going home when they can. Maybe a few of you could get together and get something together to reduce costs?

I hope this was helpful to you. You can defintely do well and the key is the same every semester, don't get behind or you'll be under a lot of stress cramming for assignment deadlines and studying for exams. We have 2 more finals this week and then we are off till summer semester starts May 17th.

Please excuse my grammar and spelling, I'm typing this between getting the kids to do their homework, starting dinner, and cramming for finals :)

Thank you for all of that information, that helps so much!

Hi Guys, I'm a current Augusta CNL and wanted to give you some info. Last fall we had class on Monday (2 lecture classes and 2 were online), and lab twice a week. Toward the end of the semester lab was over and we had clinic one day a week. This semester we have class all day Monday (3 lectures, 2 online classes), clinic Tuesday and Wednesday (and every second Wednesday was a Mental Health rotation instead of the hospital), and Thursday and Fridays were alternated for Sim. Sim lab is only once a week, but we alternated days and am/pm so if I had lab this Thursday a.m., then next week I'll have lab Friday a.m., etc. I don't know how this summer is going to work exactly but it looks like we'll have 2 classes by lecture and 2 online again, 2 days of clinic every week (we'll have community health rotations and hospital clinic, either the 1st or 2nd 1/2 depending on what group we are in) and sim lab either Thursday p.m. or Friday a.m (rotating again).

For you out-of-towners who are attending Augusta campus I wanted you to know that there are others in my class who are renting an apartment or staying on campus during the school week and then going home when they can. Maybe a few of you could get together and get something together to reduce costs?

I hope this was helpful to you. You can defintely do well and the key is the same every semester, don't get behind or you'll be under a lot of stress cramming for assignment deadlines and studying for exams. We have 2 more finals this week and then we are off till summer semester starts May 17th.

Please excuse my grammar and spelling, I'm typing this between getting the kids to do their homework, starting dinner, and cramming for finals :)

Wow, this sounds a lot better than what we were told when visiting the campus last week! Hopefully Athens will have a similar schedule. Thanks so much for the information!

Specializes in None.


Thanks for all the insightful info. I am can't wait to see what is on the contract. Finals are around the corner for me and I should be out of the woods. All the best on your finals!

Future CNLs,

I haven't posted enough on this site to have message privileges so I'll try to answer any questions that I can here. I think I'll meet my 15 post quota and have messaging privileges soon :)

I believe you schedule will be similar to what I had but there could be small differences and I want to say that we had at least a day off every week. Sometimes that day "off" was used to complete other requirements (i.e. training on a specific hospitals charting, glucose testing device, etc)

Get your CPR (for healthcare providers) card before class in Augusta, it will take few hours of your time but it's no biggie.

Also, you will definitely need:


white shoes (at least mostly white, running shoes will work)



regular school supplies, printer ink, and paper (you will be printing lots and lots of lectures)

You'll only need 1-2 set of scrubs the first semester but your life will be easier in the Spring if you have 3 as you will have clinic twice a week and are required to wear scrubs in the sim lab as well.

Blood pressure cuffs are available in lab to check out and practice at home, you don't need to buy one. I think the only "medical" supply I needed was a stethoscope but if you have any other questions send me a message and I'll get back to you somehow. You should feel free to contact the ladies (and gentlemen if they were there) who where in the information session if you have questions and I'm sure they'll be happy to get with you. I think the class as a whole is pretty amiable to taking questions since we were in your shoes last fall.

Good luck to everyone completing prereqs!


Thank you so much for all of the information! It is so helpful to be able to get some input on what to expect from people already going through the program :) I wanted to get your suggestion and advice on working while doing the program. I honestly don't think it's going to be possible for me, because I had a hard enough time in college when I wasn't working. I have a steady job at a doctor's office right now, working 40+ hours a week. I don't want to have to quit but I know it's going to be too much. What do you think?

Anyone can feel free to add me as a Facebook friend if you want :) I would love to get to know some of you before school starts! You can find me under Laura Wilson and I'm in the Athens network.

Thanks again for the information!


GAmom&nurse2be - Any recommendations on what stethoscope to get? Also, does it have to be black, or can we choose a different color?

Also, Adriane and I were looking at doing our CPR certification in the Alpharetta area (there don't seem to be any courses listed on the American Heart Association page that are offered in Athens). No exact date yet, but possibly a weekend in the next month or so. If anyone else wants to join us, let me know!

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