Massasoit vs. CCRI????


Specializes in Dermatology,Peds and Geriatrics as an MA.

I live right on the RI border and started my pre-reqs at massasoit, wondering if I should change to CCRI come January?

Any pros/cons for either school?

BTW, CCRI would be a bit closer for me!

Thanks in advance

Specializes in future speciality interest: Nurse Midwif.

I'm not sure about Massasoit but I know for sure that CCRI has a VEEEERRRY long wait list. I've heard some people have been on the wait list for 3 years or so. I'm waiting to get into Rhode Island College Nursing program and a lot of my classmates were transfering from CCRI because of the wait at RIC is less.

Specializes in Dermatology,Peds and Geriatrics as an MA.

WOW! Now I just heard they took away the waiting list at CCRI. Hmmmm! They didnt say why but they did say you could probably get right in now.

I should have known it sounded too good to be true. lol.

Thanks Winterluv!

I wouldn't go to CCRI, more people applying less spots, there are so many more schools in MA, also consider going the LPN route.

Specializes in Sub-Acute/Psychiatric/Detox.

CCRI is in the process of dissolving their wait list. CCRI's facilities are outdated, extreme lack of support services (RI really butcher's its community college budgets). The campus police only carry handcuffs at CCRI. The Massosoit Campus Police carry something called fire arms and they are the only community college police department in MA to carry guns.

On topic, Massosoit has a weekend RN Program. CCRI your stuck with days. Also at this point Massosoit is the only College that I can think of that has an alternative to day time nursing program on the weekends (that is for people learning to become RNs, not BSN and MSN who are allready RNs). Besides Mass Bay which just is a poorly managed Nursing Program that did have a night RN Program, and currently has its admission frozen.

I'd go to massosoit if I were you.

Nothing wrong with the LPN route. Its a good start.

If you want totally clueless staff members and people who have no idea what they are doing, then go to CCRI.

EDIT: CCRI does have a night nursing program. However, like I said support services are very lacking especially with disability services. They have one lady who works there for everything. Very mean lady too if she is still there. My g/f hated that place.

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.
CCRI is in the process of dissolving their wait list. CCRI's facilities are outdated, extreme lack of support services (RI really butcher's its community college budgets). The campus police only carry handcuffs at CCRI. The Massosoit Campus Police carry something called fire arms and they are the only community college police department in MA to carry guns.

If you want totally clueless staff members and people who have no idea what they are doing, then go to CCRI.

??? What does campus police carrying/not carrying guns have to do with nursing programs?

I didn't graduate CCRI but I know they have some fine instructors there.

I have been going to Massasoit for 2 years getting all the pre-reqs done. I just started this past Fall in their nursing program and it is wonderful! I was accepted my first try (had a 4.0 avg and all pre reqs completed, plus 2 glowing letters of recommendation) Massasoit has an exellent reputation in the healthcare field. I would highly recommend it.

Just graduated from CCRI-ADN they do have GREAT instructors and there IS support for those who want and seek it!!!!! They also have a night and weekend program....

Specializes in Med/Surg.

CCRI is very backed up right now. I know people who've been on that waiting list for years and still haven't gotten in. They just started accepting a percentage of students based on GPA alone, but IMO they are in over their heads right now with all of those waitlist students.

I don't know anything about Massasoit, though.

Whatabout BSN programs? Is that an option?

I just recently went to a nursing info session at CCRI.

There is NOT a waiting list anymore, they take only students that have already completed all pre reqs. Once completed you can apply to the programs, daytime, nightime and weekends.

You are accepted based on your grades etc. If not acceoted you continue to apply until accepted, there are better times to apply than others.

I have talked to different hospitals and nurses and CCRI has one of if not the best reputation in all of new england.

They have a lot of new machines and additional learning tools that no other institution has in new england. The teachers are hard, do not want to hear "sob stories" but are all overly experienced and knowledgeable.

I did extensive homework before making my decision and felt like I should share my findings. I also heard a lot of the mosconceptions listed above, wait list, outdated. You ever learn the truth until you find it out for yourself??

My two cents.

CCRI is one of the better nursing programs in New England. And it is very well known and highly regarded, actually.

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