Manchester community college 2010-2012

U.S.A. New Hampshire


Ok Live, here we go...our new home LOL!!! I'm really glad you went to the info session, i knew you would get more info actually being there. Were there other students that were on the waitlist there? What 1/3rd did jaquie say you fell in? It is good news to know that they make it through most of the waitlist! I really want you guys to get in so we can have a connection with other people...i hate walking in a class and not knowing anyone LOL. So do you have most if your prereqs completed and was manch your first choice?

LOL...whoops...its a good post huh!! I still have micro to take but i am thinking about maybe waiting till the summer in between the two years...this way instead of paying the 800 and some odd dollars for the class i can save it for my darn 23+ books :) You still havent heard any news yet?? Ill have to go thru last years posts and see how long it took people on the waitlist to get thier call. Ill let you know what I come up with! I'm going to get my physical for school tomorrow...blah. They even want a CBC done! Fun, fun!


Have you heard where you are yet on the wait list? I emailed Jacquie today and she said I'm #5 and that the list has stabilized.


Hi Julie,

No I haven't contacted Jacquie since the last post referencing it. I'm now tempted to email her but don't know if I should or if I should just wait for a call. :uhoh3:

Try emailing her. She got right back to me today. I don't know how I feel about still being #5 on the waiting list. Makes me a little nervous.

wow #5 congrats! You should email and see where you are Live, if jaqui got back to julie she will get back to you. What does stabalized mean anways? If the list is moving along you guys should ask to go to the orientation on a just in case basis. The lady at the nursing session said last year they had alternatives come just in case too. Its worth a shot, so you dont miss it if you get accepted like the day after!!

I don't know why I feel like I shouldn't email or call..torn between

1. calling/emailing shows I'm seriously interested and therefore a great canditate do what you can to get me in

2. calling/emailing shows I'm impatient (who the hell wouldn't be!! this is BIG) skip over me

I would like to be at the orientation on the 30th since that is when you will register for your lab schedule and if we (Julie AND I :D) get in AFTER that date we'll be stuck with whatever lab schedule everyone else didn't want.

I suppose that's not the worst that could happen. The worst in mho that could happen is we get the call the day before classes start and have to scramble to get everything together.


I was feeling like a pest emailing too but it's been a while since your last call right? It won't hurt to send a quick email. On a side note, if we just show up to the meeting on the 30th will they kick us out? Probably not...and we could just sit in the back :) What do you think?


now that's an know what I think...I think we are going to be at that meeting on the 30th but not hiding in the back..we'll be right up front because we will have been called by then!

Can't hurt to stay positive right? I'll email Jacquie tomorrow..I'll try to come up with the right way to word things.

LOL!!! you'd be like a bunch of rouge nursing students hahaha, i love it! I think the list is numbered and emailing wont help or hurt you. Everytime i email with Jaqui she is very helpful and funny to boot! I emailed with her back and forth about a few things and she always throws in a joke or a smily face and that helps keep me calm LOL. i say ask away.

deleted message that I posted..decided it's not relevant to this thread. Just venting frustrations over a topic in another thread.

This is honestly how i feel:

Student sumbit thier applications, many of them are incomplete by the deadline and they get discarded. Everyone else is filtered thru the points system..however they do that. 10 points for a&p, 5 a reference and so on. Once everyone is assigned a number they take the top 64 and send an acceptance letter. The next 30 or so they send a "waitlist" letter. I dont think they assign numbers right away becasue it can change so quick at first. If i were to get accepted to two school i could call the one i didnt want to go to that day and say no thank you freeing a seat, or i could do nothing and eventually the school would realize im going else where and free the seat...those two senerios could happen WEEKS apart. Then you have the people that applied to like 3 schools and get accepted to manchester but they really want greatbay but as not to lose thier chance at manch if they dont get into great bay they pay the deposit at manchester. Then weeks later they get into great bay and forfiet the manchester deposit now that seat is free but if they dont call, the school wont know thiers a free seat till orientation. Furthermore that same student can get waitlisted at great bay so they attend manchester orientation and then at the end of summer they get a call from great bay offering a seat, then the school wouldnt know thiers a free seat till classes start...I mean there is a ton of different senerios that could happen and the waitlist stays open until 2 weeks after classes start. They dont skip over people on the waitlist based on color or gender. The best way to test this theory is email jaquie, she told Julie her # which mean she will tell you yours. you were in the top third and julie was in middle third, if shes 5 and the school works in order you should be 1 to 4. and after reading older posts im fairly certain I will be seeing BOTH of you in my class come Fall. Plus I promiss to do a head count at orientation, as it is MANDATORY, lol!!! Who ever said "it doest matter: from the other forum is WRONG, it does matter, so don't let someone like that get to you...thats the type of person that would not call the school and saying they picked another school, making people on the waiting list wait that much longer!! Good luck, I still havent stopped thnking about you ladies!


Thanks for your thoughts. You're right there is no evidence at all that MCC uses such practices so why let it get to me. It was just frustrating to read from a person claiming to have worked in an admissions office that that IS the way things are done. It is the exact reason that unless required to do so I leave the ethnicity fields blank just seems irrelevant to me most of the time.

I deleted my post above becuase I thought it may stir a pot that need not be stirred and wanted to keep this as a more positive thread for those accepted or waiting to be accepted :uhoh3: to MCC for the 2010-2012 program.

So that others know what got me fired up to begin with I'll repost the link

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