Male Nurses and Female Doctors


Would male nurses consider dating or marrying female doctors?

why not? i am not a male nurse, but i dont see why not

Specializes in SICU.

doctors stereotypically don't have enough time for family, whether male or female...

"A 2003 study by Dr Gail Robinson of the Toronto General Hospital into stresses faced by women doctors found that "rates of successful suicide and divorce are much higher" than in the general public."


Specializes in Med-Surg, Cardiac.

Don't think I'd want to marry a doctor.

doctors stereotypically don't have enough time for family, whether male or female...

"A 2003 study by Dr Gail Robinson of the Toronto General Hospital into stresses faced by women doctors found that "rates of successful suicide and divorce are much higher" than in the general public."


ok that's just scary. i would have to think again before i plunge into medicine.

Specializes in school nurse, SNF, peds.

Does'nt matter if you marry a DOCTOR male or female, these doctors are just way too busy with there patients and work no time for family.

Specializes in CNA: LTC & DD.
Don't think I'd want to marry a doctor.

That leaves lots of other options though! :clown:

Specializes in Intensive Care: Medical and Surgical.

I don't think a relationship is a problem as long as they are both coping.

Specializes in LTC, AL, Corrections, Home health.

I have actually met one such couple. She's really cool and down to earth and has a private pratice and does facility and some home visit and he acts as the nurse in her office...seems to work great for them. This issue is that many if not most more 'traditional' men, my husband included to some degreee, are simply not comfortable with the idea of their wife being in a position of greater power then themselves or having a fatter pay check: Sad:cry: but true...

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
doctors stereotypically don't have enough time for family, whether male or female...


*** Sounds like a perfect mate. Makes good money and is never around. Heck ya.

I have actually met one such couple. She's really cool and down to earth and has a private pratice and does facility and some home visit and he acts as the nurse in her office...seems to work great for them. This issue is that many if not most more 'traditional' men, my husband included to some degreee, are simply not comfortable with the idea of their wife being in a position of greater power then themselves or having a fatter pay check: Sad:cry: but true...

Its a hard thing to deal with. Our whole lives we are made to think that our paycheck is tied to our manhood, but once that seperation is made it doesn't matter who makes more. I am a civilian nursing student (well I will be in August, recently accepted to a really good BSN program) and my wife is a military medical student who makes a lot more than me and always will.

So to answer the OP, heck yeah I would date and marry a female doctor, an amazing woman is an amazing woman, job and pay are independent of that.

Specializes in pediatrics, public health.
Does'nt matter if you marry a DOCTOR male or female, these doctors are just way too busy with there patients and work no time for family.

This is not universally true of all doctors. It may be true of doctors early in their career -- it's certainly true of residents. Later in their career though, doctors, especially if they have their own private practice, can sometimes arrange their hours to be very family friendly. I know several MDs, especially female ones, who have done this. There were at least two female pediatricians whose kids went to the same preschool as mine -- they both worked part time and had plenty of time to be with their kids. (both had husbands who worked full time, neither of them happened to be a nurse).

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