Male and Gay?!


This has probably been talked about before but I am just curious. Anyone out there that is a gay male? Have you felt any type of discrimination as a nursing student or in the work place? I am a new nursing student starting in the fall and it crosses my mind sometimes.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I live and work in a part of the Bible Belt that can be intolerant at times. One of our older, straight male patients refused to be showered or dressed by any gay males. The tech assigned to this patient was a straight male. I had to reassure the patient that the tech was a married guy with two young children at home.

Specializes in Inpatient Surgery.

Nursing is one of the few places where gender, race, class, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, eating habits, car driven, looks, and almost anything else doesn't matter. It seems more important if you aren't a Seahawks fan here in Seattle. Now that will upset some people.

I've worked with MANY gay males in nursing. No one batted an eye. I do work in a large metropolitan area, so I think there may be more acceptance and tolerance found in big vibrant cities vs rural areas in my particular state.

Specializes in Hospice.

I personally have no issue with anyone's sexual orientation. As long as you know what to do in any given situation (or know the resources that will give you the answer you need) you can fancy red-ass baboons for all I care.

I do have to say, though, working with gay males can be kind of refreshing to me as a straight female. It's nice having a guy actually look me in the eye instead of staring at my rack for an entire conversation.

How about you just be a human being instead of making it a point to point out you're gay.

I have heard all the chiding and complaints from a lot of MEN!?!?!? Gay or NOT!?!?!

Doesn't matter. If you are THIN SKINNED in life in general then probably not the job for you.

Perhaps a Bartista at Starbucks.

As a MAN, i find todays, boys, man/boys, gays, whatever, have to have testicular FORTITUDE REGARDLESS of your bathroom of choice or sexual pref.

Our Pecker Checker (CorpsMan), not too mention one of my best friend in the Navy was open, but didn't make it a point, "hey look at me I'm gay," He was just a HUMAN BEING and a damn good Corpsman. Not too mention a INCREDIBLE FREIND, and I am Straight.

Man Up! This is not a career for whiners !

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
How about you just be a human being instead of making it a point to point out you're gay.

I have heard all the chiding and complaints from a lot of MEN!?!?!? Gay or NOT!?!?!

Doesn't matter. If you are THIN SKINNED in life in general then probably not the job for you.

Perhaps a Bartista at Starbucks.

As a MAN, i find todays, boys, man/boys, gays, whatever, have to have testicular FORTITUDE REGARDLESS of your bathroom of choice or sexual pref.

Our Pecker Checker (CorpsMan), not too mention one of my best friend in the Navy was open, but didn't make it a point, "hey look at me I'm gay," He was just a HUMAN BEING and a damn good Corpsman. Not too mention a INCREDIBLE FREIND, and I am Straight.

Man Up! This is not a career for whiners !

It's also not a place for people to make broad jumps from the original statement.

testicular FORTITUDE

This is great...Lol

Nursing is one of the few places where gender, race, class, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, eating habits, car driven, looks, and almost anything else doesn't matter. It seems more important if you aren't a Seahawks fan here in Seattle. Now that will upset some people.

Which is awkward considering the amount of Seahawks fans in Seattle prior to the last few years was next to nill.

I'm not male or gay but I have worked with plenty of gay male nurses and nobody cares what your orientation is.

I am glad to hear this, because most women that I have met in non-medical fields always feel the need to catch a new homosexual friend as if we are a rare Pokemon. I made the mistake of sharing this before, and had to deal with everyone using me as the token gay.. always trying to fix me up. Next time around, I will keep it to myself.

This is great...Lol

I literally died :roflmao:

It's also not a place for people to make broad jumps from the original statement.

He sounds like the men that I served with in the Army. Like literally.. the same brain.. the same thoughts. :roflmao:

Luckily, no experience

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