Published Jul 19, 2009
561 Posts
Looks like the government is trying to slip something by the public that they don't approve of.
What do you think?
(Original Article can be found at:
Americans Are Against the Health Care Proposal
By Matt Towery
July 17, 2009
10 Articles; 19,052 Posts
Problem is
a. poll # in comparrison to total # of Americans....
b. Inside knowellege of what employeers will actually do
Problem is a. poll # in comparrison to total # of Americans....b. Inside knowellege of what employeers will actually do
A. That's why the margin of error is calculated to be 3.8%, you'd have to read the source article to see other measures of statistical significance. If you take statistics, there are ways to sample a small percentage and evaluate if it is a "true" test of the larger set. A 3.8% MOE is pretty darn good.
B. They asked the respondants what they "thought" their employers would do. This was an opinion question not a question of fact. And I think this is a fine question to substantiate/support the title of the article.
Good points NRSKarenRN, but I don't think they change the message.
14,633 Posts
Oh, goody -- more insight from a GOP website.
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
I am pretty much unhappy with everything Obama is doing. We are all going to look like Cocaine addicts when he is done with us...we are all going to get taxed through the NOSE!!! At least those of us that work.
oh, goody -- more insight from a gop website.
[color=white]if you want i can get you signed up on their email list.
657 Posts
Pretty soon the sheeples will finally see that Obama is all smoke and mirrors long on rhetoric but short on solutions. Hope and Change means a lot to people who are trying to get something for nothing.
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
Then again a majority of Americans are supporting some form of a public option to enhance coverage of the insured and reduce health care inflation.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
The aforementioned link is to a GOP website. I'd much rather prefer a link or source that is more neutral, not one that is biased toward the Republican or Democratic Party.
Mindful, RN
306 Posts
Are You Kidding ? :down:
453 Posts
A lot of Americans are wondering how President Transparency is going to pay for it. Actually, we know. That's why it's going nowhere.