Macomb Community Graduates 2012-13

U.S.A. Michigan


So, I said I would start this one after orientation so we could all have one thread to talk about things under instead of 10. What did everyone think of orientation? Any un-answered questions? And what start date is everyone requesting? Yay for the new uniforms/prices!

Thanks for the info. I checked with the bookstore this morning and they informed me they have the nurse packs in. However, they have not received the student list and therefore can not release them to anybody just yet. I was told to try back tomorrow.

Hello future nurses,

I have a couple of questions I hope somebody may help me out with.

First, I was unaware of a nurse pack, what is it, when do I need it, does anyone know if they have the nurse packs in yet and if so how much?

Second, has anyone tried to complete their personal medical record? I have went to all 3 websites posted and could not find anything that related to personal medical records.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am extremely frustrated as to how disorganized this program seems.

A nurse pack is just a bag of stuff you need for lab (syringes, cath kits, bandages, ect). You use it for the first 8 weeks or so and then barely ever use it again.

I have been in the program for a year and it is VERY organized usually (except for scheduling stuff that comes up on occasion). I think it may seem disorganized to you because you guys are the first year with a new curriculum and there are bound to be bumps in the road. Don't get frustrated, MCC is awesome, I have learned so much and the professors are amazing.

Thanks for the information and encouragement. I have had a hard time getting a straight answer from some of the faculty. For example, I asked the same question to 3 different individuals at MCC and received 3 entirely different answers. I finally e-mailed Bernadette and received the info I needed. Also, I e-mailed another individual, who returned my e-mail with the answer to my question, however it was 22 days later. I'm hoping things get better and run a little smoother. Best of luck to you this semester.

Is anyone else freaking out over this HHSC math quiz tomorrow?? I just joined the class on Thursday, so I've been looking over it since then, but there is so much info in between pages 1-46.... Are there certain things we should focus or more than others? I'm getting myself way too stressed out, any info/help would be great...

I'm with you....nervous!!! I just been looking since Friday when I got my book. uuugghhhh

Ugh - good luck to you all! Lauren, glad I stayed where I was - lol

Well, I'll be happy with my decision as long as I pass this test tomorrow! After that it's easy sailing!

Good luck - let me know how it goes......

Everything was fine... a few of us didnt do so well (myself included), but they didn't kick anyone out over it. So glad tomorrow is the last day and I'll be done with this!!

Which books did you use this class?

Taylor's Fundamentals book and Kees' Clinical Calculations

Ok, those are the same as mine. Although I purchased the bundle that had the Fundamentals, Taylor's CD's and Carpenito and saved about $35 since all of these are needed for 1145.

Did anyone purchase the Electronic Heal Record book?

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