Macomb Community College Nursing Questions

U.S.A. Michigan


Can anyone provide details as to how the program works? Any info. at all would be appreciated.

Are each set of classes equal to 1/2 of a regular semester (each class is worth approximately 1.5-2.5 credits)?

I just squeaked in (#158) so most likely I will not be starting until March 2011. I have already completed all of my degree requirements above the nursing classes - any suggestions as to which classes to take to go towards a bachelors degree while I am waiting?

Also, I am very excited and would like to start buying supplies or studying before my start - any suggestions would be appreciated! I can't wait until May 19th!

NICE!! That's awesome news!! I thought they were ugly anyways (the pants especially). I hope they don't change the color though.... I think white scrubs are the worst idea ever.

The blue is nice, I wouldn't like white either. I cannot wait until the orientation!

I was checking out my program plan on webadvisor (It's already updated for nursing!) and it looks like all the class numbers have changed (like 1500s, etc.) I wonder if all the books are changing as well. Just wonder if anyone heard. I too can hardly wait for the 19th!

Someone on another one of these MCC threads (we should just make ONE that we all use instead of 4) that they changed our curriculum this time around, so I'm guessing everything is going to be a little different... which could either be a good or bad thing. No one ever wants to be the guinea pig/test run of anything, so hopefully they're just making minor changes? I don't mind the scrubs changing though, that's a positive thing.

I agree with you LauJen. We should just use one forum for Macomb Community College Nursing program for our term, our graduation year of 2012-13. I know someone had mentioned to me, that there are current nursing students who created a nursing facebook for just them to discuss schooling and everyone helps one another out. I guess that will have to happen down the road, since not everyone is aware of this allnurses forum.

I agree, the scrubs are awful!

Well, I agree, a forum for us would be great. It also puts faces with screen names, which may be an issue at orientation! I want to meet you all, but don't want to walk around asking " Are you ForensicMI? I'm Laujen!!" :) I don't know how we could make a forum on there just for us, but I can look into it. I guess we should start the one thread on here, just titled MCC Nursing 2012-13 after orientation, since I'm sure we'll have more to talk about then. Can't wait for next wednesday!!

Agree 100% with you! That would be hysterical to walk around aren't you so and so on LOL! This title 'MCC Nursing 2012-13' fits perfect for the forum for us! :)

I just found out that the scrubs will remain "sailor blue" so that is a good thing.

I wonder what the curriculum changes will be. Everything is changed this year - from the pre-reqs and HESI on up.

I honestly don't know anything about the program and don't know anyone in it and I am really anxious to get all of the details.

Can you fill me in on any details of how the current curriculum is?

Like you, Zhockeymom77 I don't know anyone who is currently in the program, that was accepted last year. I'm the first one in my family to become a nurse, so I can't wait to hear information on Orientation day. I hope someone can give us all some insight.

I am not too sure about posting our names on here but we could private message each other before Wednesday.

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