1a.m. and about to have a nervous breakdown

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Here's hoping this is being posted in the right area....

First things first, I'm new, so "Hi" to everyone out there...

Now then, I will be a freshman this fall and am in pre-nursing. Right now I am just crying my eyes out because I don't know what to expect. Are all areas of nursing as stressful as I've heard? I don't expect it to be easy sure, but I am a nervous wreck. I'm not the type of person who can "wing it" and hope for the best. I have to choose my career and NOW. Do you have time for kids? I want a family one day, so I don't want to be working all of the time. I feel like I've researched this a thousand times and still don't know anything about the job, you know what I mean? I'm worried a little about the schooling too, is it survivable, lol. Can you actually sleep, or are you up all of the time studying? Well, I guess I'm done, the crying has stopped but my anxiety hasn't. Any advice would be appreciated or maybe just a hug :crying2: Thanks again...


Specializes in NICU.
Here's hoping this is being posted in the right area....

First things first, I'm new, so "Hi" to everyone out there...

Now then, I will be a freshman this fall and am in pre-nursing. Right now I am just crying my eyes out because I don't know what to expect. Are all areas of nursing as stressful as I've heard? I don't expect it to be easy sure, but I am a nervous wreck. I'm not the type of person who can "wing it" and hope for the best. I have to choose my career and NOW. Do you have time for kids? I want a family one day, so I don't want to be working all of the time. I feel like I've researched this a thousand times and still don't know anything about the job, you know what I mean? I'm worried a little about the schooling too, is it survivable, lol. Can you actually sleep, or are you up all of the time studying? Well, I guess I'm done, the crying has stopped but my anxiety hasn't. Any advice would be appreciated or maybe just a hug :crying2: Thanks again...


Don't panic, it will be ok. :) We all go through ups and downs like this - choosing a career path is very scary! I have been in college full time for a year and just recently realized I was going into the wrong thing for me all together (LOL!) - I switched to pre-nursing and will be starting that this fall (what I have really wanted to do all along). The good thing about pre-nursing is that it's a lot of pre-reqs that work for many degrees, so you can ease into the idea of nursing and you always reserve the right to change your mind (I did and it's going to be just fine ;)). Take the advice of the previous posters, talk to nurses or hospital staff if you can, and mostly just don't worry.

I start feeling overwhelmed about nursing school all the time - especially since I have a husband, a 3 yr. old and a 3 month old - but I just keep reminding myself that it's going to be worth it in the end and that works for me. One of my dearest friends is an LPN who is going to school to become an RN, she is a single mom with a 3 1/2 yr. old daughter and she does just fine. She really loves nursing because she gets to work 12 hr. shifts and that means more days off in a row to spend with her daughter (yes, poor thing holds a full-time job too). In fact, she has decided she wanted a mini vacation, so she is grouping 2 of her 12 week shifts together and then taking off something like 9 days in a row just to be with her little girl. It is do-able and very rewarding. And - you don't have to decide right now, start working on pre-reqs and you might find a different area that intrigues you - don't beat yourself up if you do, a typical college student changes majors at least 3 times before they graduate (I forget where that statistic is from - something in my pro-college for welfare recipients trainings). However, if you decide to stick to nursing - yeay! Come join in the fun, we'll all be here struggling away right along with you. :chuckle


Today is my first day here too! Funny thing is, that I had this same thing happen to me yesterday. Had kind of an anxiety attack over the whole nursing school thing; some of the things I read make me question if I'll be doing the right thing. :confused: I'm going back to school in the fall after a lot of years off. Now with 3 boys ( 10,8 & 5 plus a husband), I hope it's not too much on my family with me studying my head off.

I think we need to have faith in ourselves & keep a positve attitude! We can do it....Glad I could read in on all the great advice.

Good Luck & Welcome!


If this is something you really want then you will find a way to get yourself through it. I hear that the nursing programs are intense but so many people that already have children and husbands are getting through it just fine. By the way there is no right or wrong way of choosing your career. You may get through with nursing one day and decide 5 years down the road you want to do something else. It's nice to plan far ahead but it is easier and more realistic to set smaller goals and accomplish them first (ex. what class your taking this semster and so on). Good luck and I hope your feeling better! You have lots of support!

Fear of the unknown can be overwhelming.

Yes, nursing and nursing school is indeed tough and stressful and not for the faint of heart. Nursing is something you really have to want to do.

I would say right now, since your crying and full of anxiety, to keep things in perspective on focus on today. Look at how much your missing out of the present moment by crying about something in the future. Put one foot in front of the other and enjoy the day and let tomorrow take care of itself. You're not in a good state to be making decisions about your future. Clear your head a bit and dry your eyes and make it a good day.

Hi Tweety. I was feeling really anxious about things just now and although this post wasn't to me, your words helped put my mind at ease about my own fears. So thanks...


Hi. I'm also new (new member from Auckland, New Zealand). I have completed my first year (of three) to become a registered nurse. Very survivable, especially if you have been recently studying. I always think that if you're a caring person you'll go a long way towards making a good nurse.

Go for it and do well. Good luck.


Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
Here's hoping this is being posted in the right area....

First things first, I'm new, so "Hi" to everyone out there...

Now then, I will be a freshman this fall and am in pre-nursing. Right now I am just crying my eyes out because I don't know what to expect. Are all areas of nursing as stressful as I've heard? I don't expect it to be easy sure, but I am a nervous wreck. I'm not the type of person who can "wing it" and hope for the best. I have to choose my career and NOW. Do you have time for kids? I want a family one day, so I don't want to be working all of the time. I feel like I've researched this a thousand times and still don't know anything about the job, you know what I mean? I'm worried a little about the schooling too, is it survivable, lol. Can you actually sleep, or are you up all of the time studying? Well, I guess I'm done, the crying has stopped but my anxiety hasn't. Any advice would be appreciated or maybe just a hug :crying2: Thanks again...


Yes nursing school is survivable!! I went back to school after being out a long time.......(graduated high school in 1974!). I am thinking you are young & have not been out of school that long so you are up on things that I never learned or had forgotten. I would suggest that you get ALL of your pre reqs out of the way before taking any nursing classes that way you have only nursing to focus on.I would also suggest you choose your school carefully check their retention rates ( how many actually graduate/pass the NCLEX) meet the instructors if possible, get a good feel for how they operate & talk to current students (they will give you a lot of insight into the program).For me the 1st year has just not been that hard ( my pre reqs were worse). I would also like to say if your anxiety level is always this high please speak to someone this is very hard on you & makes learning more difficult.I wish I could say everything will be ok... I can't because I don't know, all you can do is your best & that is good enough.I wish you the best of luck & here's a big hug coming your way :icon_hug:

Specializes in MS Home Health.

I thought I would take a stab at your post. Try not to cry about things that are not here yet. Yes depending on the job you take once you graduate you may work alot. I have 5 kids and yes I spent some time with them (hubby is also a nurse) but no, I was not home as much as I wanted as I had to take care of the bills to raise them. You can always make changes in career choices there is no timetable.

Don't get so worked up..you have a long way to go so save your energy for later........big smile..


My area has too many students applying. It is so hard to get in. Just this last term, Fall 2005 453 applied for 144 spots. I have a 3.2 and did not make it. It was my third try. I have even finished my AA degree awaiting to get in. I am devastated. :crying2: :crying2: At Florida Comm. College of Jacksonville, they accept applicants each term. I am now going to apply for the Spring term, and I am thinking of applying for the Spring LPN program as well. I know there are patients out there that need my sense of humor and care!!!! Why is this so hard to get in? I need a little push of help to reassure me it is worth the wait. I am going to be a NURSE. I feel it and want it bad. I know the difficult road ahead with the actual program, I want it and welcome, please wish me luck for the Spring programs. Thanks for being here people, the therapy of reading and responses are very helpful. Shelia:rolleyes:

My area has too many students applying. It is so hard to get in. Just this last term, Fall 2005 453 applied for 144 spots. I have a 3.2 and did not make it. It was my third try. I have even finished my AA degree awaiting to get in. I am devastated. :crying2: :crying2: At Florida Comm. College of Jacksonville, they accept applicants each term. I am now going to apply for the Spring term, and I am thinking of applying for the Spring LPN program as well. I know there are patients out there that need my sense of humor and care!!!! Why is this so hard to get in? I need a little push of help to reassure me it is worth the wait. I am going to be a NURSE. I feel it and want it bad. I know the difficult road ahead with the actual program, I want it and welcome, please wish me luck for the Spring programs. Thanks for being here people, the therapy of reading and responses are very helpful. Shelia:rolleyes:

Hi Shelia32244,

Don't fret. Yes, there is a lot of competition to get into nursing programs right now. So try a new strategy: apply to more than one nursing program. Most people apply to at least 3 to 5 to increase their chances. You can also talk to the people at the nursing school and ask them how you can increase your chances for acceptance. They could give you more insights.

You know that you want to care for patients and want to be a nurse. That's intuition telling you it's the right path which is great! So now you just want to increase your chances of getting in. You may also want to see if there's a class you could retake to boost your GPA; some schools will take the higher grade in a pre-req science class and it will boost your chances. You can also volunteer in the meantime to get more interaction with patients while you are waiting. You can do it! :)


Hi Shelia32244,

Don't fret. Yes, there is a lot of competition to get into nursing programs right now. So try a new strategy: apply to more than one nursing program. Most people apply to at least 3 to 5 to increase their chances. You can also talk to the people at the nursing school and ask them how you can increase your chances for acceptance. They could give you more insights.

You know that you want to care for patients and want to be a nurse. That's intuition telling you it's the right path which is great! So now you just want to increase your chances of getting in. You may also want to see if there's a class you could retake to boost your GPA; some schools will take the higher grade in a pre-req science class and it will boost your chances. You can also volunteer in the meantime to get more interaction with patients while you are waiting. You can do it! :)


I'm feeling your pain! As Smile said :yeahthat:, definitely apply everywhere you can - you'll increase the odds. This past year, the program I ended up in, also in Florida, had 500 applicants for 40 seats!

I applied to three programs, went to the orientation for one, discovered they lied about clinical locations. Took a chance and got my application in just under the deadline at a fourth school - and made it! You will get in, too! Keep pushing......

wow hello my name is meshia and I am going through the same thing i'm stessing about what program? can i get in? can i ever past the net test? and without experience right now will i ever get a job in a hospital? i'm taking my pre-recs now so i am totally with you...! ITs not easy but keep the faith the world needes us to become nurses!

I worked full time as a CNA, went to school full time, and have 3 kids. I just graduated on August 1st. You can do it. Take it 1 day at a time. I found that if I looked at the "whole" picture then I would get stressed out. So, I took it a day at a time, and 1 test at a time, and it worked out for me. I was fortunate too, to have a husband who helped out lots the 2 years I was in school. Keep your chin up!! You can do it!!

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