1a.m. and about to have a nervous breakdown

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Here's hoping this is being posted in the right area....

First things first, I'm new, so "Hi" to everyone out there...

Now then, I will be a freshman this fall and am in pre-nursing. Right now I am just crying my eyes out because I don't know what to expect. Are all areas of nursing as stressful as I've heard? I don't expect it to be easy sure, but I am a nervous wreck. I'm not the type of person who can "wing it" and hope for the best. I have to choose my career and NOW. Do you have time for kids? I want a family one day, so I don't want to be working all of the time. I feel like I've researched this a thousand times and still don't know anything about the job, you know what I mean? I'm worried a little about the schooling too, is it survivable, lol. Can you actually sleep, or are you up all of the time studying? Well, I guess I'm done, the crying has stopped but my anxiety hasn't. Any advice would be appreciated or maybe just a hug :crying2: Thanks again...


I'm feeling your pain! As Smile said :yeahthat:, definitely apply everywhere you can - you'll increase the odds. This past year, the program I ended up in, also in Florida, had 500 applicants for 40 seats!

I applied to three programs, went to the orientation for one, discovered they lied about clinical locations. Took a chance and got my application in just under the deadline at a fourth school - and made it! You will get in, too! Keep pushing......

Thanks! I will not give up. I have been going to school too long part-time to get all the reqs done. In the meantime, I have earned my AA waiting. Now, I just submitted my applications for the Spring term Nursing program for RN. And I also threw my hat in for LPN same time. I was informed when I submitted that app. for the LPN they required TABE scores. I have my AA and when I informed them of it, they sent me to the Counselor to get my waiver. Now, they tell me that with a waiver for this, my scores will be considered the highest possible in that area. That is their criteria along with my GPA (which is 3.2). I am in the top percentage, so if am I passed over again for the RN program in Spring, I will more than likely make it into the LPN program. Whopee! I have to get into one of them. Here they take all LPN bridge RN applicants along with the RN applicants. I have a much lessor ranking with those folks in the bunch. I plan to do my LPN and get in the hospital and then immediately there after (about 6 months) apply to the bridge. I'm now feeling better and elated about the whole entire situation. Good luck to you, Shelia

wow hello my name is meshia and I am going through the same thing i'm stessing about what program? can i get in? can i ever past the net test? and without experience right now will i ever get a job in a hospital? i'm taking my pre-recs now so i am totally with you...! ITs not easy but keep the faith the world needes us to become nurses!

Girl, it is up to us to not stop trying. There are people in need of our care out there. We will prevail! Good luck, Shelia

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