Published Jan 10, 2016
298 Posts
Hi. I work in LTC And I am the only evening nurse with 48 patients. The day shift has 2 nurses and 1 to 2 med techs. I am An Lpn but IVT certified which may be why they have me on my own.. But my ratio may go up as high as 65 before they give me a med tech to help with PO meds. Was wondering what other people have as far as number of patients on their assignment? Thanks :)
sorry for for any typos. I am in a cast, using one hand lol
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
When I worked the evening shift (3:00pm to 11:00pm) as an LVN in the nursing home/LTCF setting, I had approximately 30 residents without a medication aide.
The only time I had 60+ residents was the midnight shift. I wouldn't take that many residents during the evening shift unless I was at imminent risk of becoming homeless and desperately needed the paycheck.
downsouthlaff, LPN
1 Article; 319 Posts
60 plus residents is unheard of on an evening shift. My first job as an LPN in LTC I had 25 on 3p-11p. My second and current job as an LTC Nurse my 3p-11p ratio was 1:42. This is also my current ratio on the 11p-7a shift I know work. 2nd shift is way too busy and too hard to have more than 35 residents per Nurse. Now 65 on 3rd shift I have heard of at some facilities in my area luckily not my current employer. But 65 on a 3p-11p you are a warrior!
1 Post
Where I work there is 20-28 residents per nurse on the 3-11 shift depending on the unit. My first job I had 50+ by myself but since the acuity of the residents in LTC is much higher now than it was then, I haven't seen that many per nurse in quite a long time.
Most of my patients only require PO meds as we are assisted living and have a ten bed sub acute.. So maybe that's why my ratio is so high.. We are for the most part non-skilled.
12 Posts
Just asking ?... 22-24 skilled patient and 8 LTC on my station one charge nurse, one unit manager (day hours) and mostly 4 CNA'S. Is that normal? Fairly new but wanted to ask.
I don't know if this is normal but it seems more safe than my ratio. I have 10 skilled patient in subacute with IVS, G tubes, suprapubics and foleys, ostomies, fairly new post ops with all sorts of drains. And then I have 38 patients who just require PO meds and injections. Some have old colostomies, wounds and dressings.. So even the non skilled part is hectic. I have no time for breaks and refuse to clock out and go back to pretend I took one. When I ask why I'm the only nurse they say I can safely tend to needs because I'm an Lpn with IVT certification and here I can start antibiotics on my own. If they require chemo or blood I have to send them out.
It's not fair that day nurses have more than one nurse ANDI med techs just because they don't have the certs that I do. :/
38 Posts
I work the skilled unit 7pm -7a in a LTC facilityand I have 40 patients. At times. I have help to passing pills from 7p-11pm but this is not the norm. Most times , I work by myself with 3 CNAs
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,204 Posts
Hi. I work in LTC And I am the only evening nurse with 48 patients. The day shift has 2 nurses and 1 to 2 med techs. I am An Lpn but IVT certified which may be why they have me on my own.. But my ratio may go up as high as 65 before they give me a med tech to help with PO meds. Was wondering what other people have as far as number of patients on their assignment? Thanks :) sorry for for any typos. I am in a cast, using one hand lol
Not Unusual for LTC - Our Noc nurses are alone with 1 CNA for 38 patients.
Nurse_Kimurtle, BSN, RN
114 Posts
I work in a skilled nursing / rehab unit on the 11-7 shift, where I have 22 patients and 2 CNAs. The LTC side has 22 patients for 1 nurse and 2 CNAs. The day shift (7-3) has 3 nurses for each side and 8-10 CNAs. Rehab patients are more demanding than the LTC one's...every few hours, I am passing pain medications. My med pass starts at 6am and mainly consists of pain meds and Synthroid. There is barely a break in rehab...
I have 40 in LTC and 10 in our subacute. Im the only nurse in the building with no med techs and I have a supervisor on call. I love the autonomy but I often worry that when I'm in the third floor that someone in subacute on the first floor will have an emergency and it's happened many times. :/
littlelimabean01, LPN
69 Posts
WOW. I can't imagine you would have time to even take a sip of water much less a break! I work the over night myself 7p-7a. I have 15-25 patients and 3 nurses aids. It is an Eighty-two room facility and we have a total of 4 floor nurses, a charge nurse and 6-7 aides. This is LTC/skilled nursing unit. I will never whine again after hearing your patient load!! I find it hard to get a break myself. God bless you LupieNurse.