LPN? Why not RN


Specializes in critical care and LTC.

I have just recently passed my baords and am an LPN now, I am already enrolled for the fall RN program. I have so many people asking me Why didn't you go for your RN? Some people want to be LPN and the is an excellent thing. I do want to further my education and become an RN but for me financially it was easier to go for the LPN, and work as an LPN while I'm in school for my RN vs working as an STNA for four years. Does anyone else get the question? It kinda gets under my skin if you can tell.

I get asked that all the time. And yes, it can be very annoying at times! I'm hoping to get into the accelerated program here and graduate in 9 months. All the while being on the wait list for RN program. For me its an easier way to go and much less expensive than going for a second bachelors right away. I have had several nurses tell me I am making the right choice since I will be able to work as an LPN and gain that experience while going to school for my RN. Even better being able to work as an RN while getting my BSN. :)

hooray, anyway you get to the RN is great, I did sort of the same thing but it is the end result that counts don't pay attention to the nay sayers about getting your LPN first, they don't know your situation and so their oppnion does not cout in my book

The ADN program I just graduated from required that we pass LPN boards before being able to complete the RN level of the program. I'm so glad they had us do that, because a lot of us needed to work while in school! Not only for the money, but the experience...it made such a huge difference to me in my RN level, because as we were discussing things, I could connect it with patients I had taken care of and cases I had seen at work. I think it also helped a lot of us with figuring out the whole "time-management" aspect of nursing!

Try to not let it bother you. Folks not in the nursing field don't have a clue about the difficulty getting into an RN program, the waiting involved, the fact that going for your LPN first means you can support yourself through RN school much easier than at CNA wages.

All they can see is that you could have stayed just a while longer and become an RN. Just smile and tell them "I'm doing it the best I can". End of conversation.

And good luck to ya!

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I am thrilled to be an LPN. I was considering trying for my RN, but for right now I am happy with my position. It is in a wonderful place where we are treated great, great pay, I am right where i want to be!!

Absolutely! I am with you 100% I too plan on going for my Rn once I graduate... ( in 8 weeks!) Much easier for me to be unemployed for 1 year vs. 2-4 yrs. Many of the girls in my class are doing this as well.!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Just say "it's the best decision I could have made at the time". In many people's eyes unfortuately RN's are superior to LPN's and they wonder why someone would choose the more inferior of the two, so they ask. Harsh and sad, but true.

Specializes in Psychiatry/Substance Abuse.

I chose the LPN route first due to financial issues. The experience has been great. I too, started right away with my pre-reqs for the RN program. One good thing is that the experience as an LPN will help me bypass the long waiting list for those without a license. My community college also takes a year off of the program. So the time was not a waste. Best of luck, stay focused.

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