LPN vs. LVN Can't we just agree on a name?

Nurses LPN/LVN


What's up with the LPN/LVN situation? It's very frustrating that the same job with the same credentials is called by 2 different names. To me, it doesn't show the world a solid and substantial reputation and unified front when we can't even agree on what we're called. I wish a nursing organization would step forward and declare us as either LPN's or LVN's. Just my :twocents:

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
Well maybe California and Texas BON's should get on board with the rest of us :)

We considered the idea, but when we heard about LPNs being called "little play nurses" that was pretty much the end of the discussion. ;););)

OK I appreciate the insight, and agree that the confusion on titles needs to stop wherever you are located, but how did this become a discussion about nursing in Canada?

LVN's do not exist in Canada. But yes, I would agree that the title for this type of nurse should be the same no matter what state in the U.S. or what province in Canada you are licensed in.

After all, RN's are RN's no matter what state they are licensed in.

OK I appreciate the insight, and agree that the confusion on titles needs to stop wherever you are located, but how did this become a discussion about nursing in Canada?


Critical thinking skills. There were questions asked that needed answering. The questions were asked by a new poster. New posters cannot access PM's so I'm told. The only way to answer the question was in the thread it was raised.

Specializes in LTC-Wound Care-Finishing OR course.

Sorry for putting the thread "off topic"...again, I am new to the site. I am thinking everyone was new to this site one time???..I will look for the answers to any questions I have re: Canadian RPN/Travel on the proper thread. But, thanks again Fiona for taking the time to answer my question...:)

Specializes in Geriatrics, pediatrics.

What if we just started calling ourselves LICENSED NURSES, or LN's and just dropped the unnecessary word in the middle? Hello, my name is Jane Doe and I'm a Licensed Nurse.

What if we just started calling ourselves LICENSED NURSES, or LN's and just dropped the unnecessary word in the middle? Hello, my name is Jane Doe and I'm a Licensed Nurse.

That is a practical solution to the question.

What if we just started calling ourselves LICENSED NURSES, or LN's and just dropped the unnecessary word in the middle? Hello, my name is Jane Doe and I'm a Licensed Nurse.

This question was actually raised at an annual meeting of Canadian LPNs. The answer from the provincial college was "it's a national issue and the national association would have to be on board".

Weakest answer anybody in the room had heard. None of the working LPNs belong to a national body, we are all required to register and obtain practice permits from the appropriate provincial College of Licensed Practical Nurses.

We felt that all it would take is one provincial College to have the balls to drop the "Practical" from our title and we would be fine. Either call us PNs or LNs and we would be happy.

Specializes in Dialysis.

I like Licensed Nurse.

Specializes in Geriatrics, pediatrics.

If I say I'm a nurse, people automatically assume I'm an RN. I usually wind up saying "no, I'm not an RN.... I'M JUST AN LPN. If I say I'm a licensed nurse I think that clears up that issue and sounds more professional too. So, from now on I'm going to call myself a licensed nurse and see how that flies. :nurse:

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