Published Jul 12, 2011
36 Posts
Hi, i wanted to know if its only me, i loveee being in nursing school , and i can't wait to start con clinicals which i start next month, but there is something bothering me... I can't concentrate in class i dont know why, i think i haven't learned a thing in 7 months in nursing school, dont get me wrong i have learn simple things but not enough. I am really lost, like if i dont cheat on tests i wont pass the exam, and its rediculous because i love medicine, and i am really smart actually, but i just dont get anything, i dont understand, everything seems so difficult, please help me, tell me how to study, how to learn things, be open minded and ready for the clinicals, i want to learn , i really ewant to learn, i feel so dumb like if i dont know anything, am i the only one? i dont want to cheat i want to be able to pass the exams on my own, another thing is that i have the mental health ATI at the end of this month and im so scared that im not going to pass it. By the way my every monday exam are all based on critical thinking and they are really hard. Please help me and dont judge me . Sorry for the bad spelling...
5 Posts
I'm doing well in my nursing classes because I'm busting my butt to EARN my grades. Work hard & STUDY. I know you might feel in a pickle but honestly, no one wants a nurse who cheated their way through school.
I guess I don't have any fancy tricks for you other than do your reading, study hard, & practice your skills. What you learn or don't learn, is entirely based on your actions.
72 Posts
I am really lost, like if i dont cheat on tests i wont pass the exam, and its rediculous because i love medicine, and i am really smart actually, but i just dont get anything, i dont understand, everything seems so difficult, please help me, tell me how to study, how to learn things, be open minded and ready for the clinicals, i want to learn , i really ewant to learn, i feel so dumb like if i dont know anything, am i the only one
Please dont feel as though you have to cheat to get by. If you feel as though you are not retaining the information speak to your teacher or the director of the program about your troubles. You'd be surprised how willing to help your teacher may be, don't get me wrong I know there are some bad teachers out there who just don't care; but, your teacher may be sympathetic to your feelings. Being a nursing student is not easy, I am a wife, mother of 2, and I work full-time; it tough, but do-able. I get by because I love the lectures, I stay interested in class and when I get time I read the highlight portions of the chapters (end of the chapters), there it sums up the important sections of each chapter.
That's just what I do, I'm a year into my program so I have had plenty of time to find a groove that works for me.
Just try speaking with your teacher, ano or classmates to see how they study...
nurse in teh making 2 thank you so much for your advice, and for telling me what you do on studying, right now our school extended our foundations of pharmacology because the entire class was lost due to poor teaching by the teacher, im going to study more, the book that i have is the saunders book.
do you mean the NCLEX book? did your program give you, or tell you to purchase an actual med book?
562 Posts
Cheaters exist in all occupations. When I was a student, my classmates cheated at times. When I took basics, i.e., Govt/history....I cheated on the quizzes. They were online classes...and everything was 'open book' as far as I was concerned. *laugh*
But, the midterms and exams were given in class. I took them and still earned 'A's. I studied and knew the material. I mainly cheated on the quizzes because I wasn't willing to risk a 'B' on them. I need 'A's, people!
HOWEVER -- I've never cheated in core classes for accounting. Never cheated in my PRe-Nursing classes. I sure as heck don't cheat now. I EARN my A's.
...because when it comes to my occupation/my major? You want to know your stuff. Basics. Principles. You want to be up to speed.
Cheating is cheating...period. However, there's a difference between cheating on an accounting and nursing exam. With one, you'll go into the workforce and screw up some finances.
That's ok...we have erasers. *laugh*
With the latter? You'll go into that workforce, make a dosage error and end up killing someone.
Please help me and dont judge me . Sorry for the bad spelling...
OP, I have no suggestions. IMO, you don't even need to be in the program. From where I'm standing, you don't deserve to be a nurse. You don't need to be in patient care.
Point-blank...period. If you take w/o cheating and fail this ATI mental hlth test? It's as it should be. If you don't know anything - why SHOULD you be passed?
You want help? Fine:
It's not just about passing tests. Nurses have a lot of responsibility - I never knew how much until I decided to become one. I had NO IDEA the level of liability involved. It scares me, in ways, to have such a crucial role. But, I accept that challenge.
We're all going to be in charge of lives. YOU will be in charge of lives. Do you really 'get' that?
This is serious.
....and if anyone jumps across my butt for saying this? Please...take it elsewhere.
I don't say these things b/c I'm on a 'high-horse'. I don't have a Nightingale complex.
Did you read what the OP wrote? This is so not the time for 'pc' and 'feel-good' answers.
Here's the crux of the issue:
- OP's been in school for 7 months.
- OP says that they don't really know anything.
- OP doesn't know the material well enough to 'think critically'.
- OP is 'really smart' but can't focus in class, apparently doesn't study, doesn't understand anything and, generally, doesn't know what the heck's going on because 'everything is so difficult'...
I mean...really?
"I don't think that I can pass without cheating..."
Uh, why are we b/sin'? You CAN'T pass, OP. By your own admisson, you don't know s....t!
I'm just sayin'...
This is not 'ok', people.
1. We have enough crappy med professionals. We don't need more...but, we're getting them. Flying into the hospitals, spurred on by the economy. They don't like people. They don't like 'icky stuff'. They don't want to care for pts - but, they're in healthcare because they're after the 'money and security' ALONE.
2. The only thing worse than a dumb a..s hlthcare professional is an incompetant and under-educated one. OP is an ill-prepared nursing student could possibly become an ill-prepared nurse and turned out to a hospital/ltc near you in a matter of months. you want someone like THAT managing your loved one?
I don't.
31 Posts
Don't let the material overwhelm you. The human body is a very logically put-together, all be it complicated, machine. If you are having trouble learning a system, google it. You will find web sites that give short, lay-person explanations that help to sort out the medical language. Once you see the big picture, you can start focusing on the finer points. For example, the heart is a pump...just that simple. Learn the flow of blood through the goes in a perfectly logical sequence. Once you figure that out, then you can start to look at what happens when the heart doesn't work right. Sometimes, if you are in the middle of a class and completely lost, go back to the fundamental working of the organ and then work your way back to what was being covered in the lecture. I had to do that on MANY OCCASIONS, even though I had a BS in Biology and was making straight A's. I'd be totally lost. Hang in there, study, and think logically. Once you get the logic down, then you can start mastering the critical thinking. I just took and passed my NCLEX, so trust me when I tell you that that is the most important skill you have to master.
Good luck.
(Need to figure out how to change my online name. Just got a full time job as an LPN, so I'm not just a new student any longer)
MedChica: Thank you for answering, but im not really looking for people to judge me, no one is perrfect, and if i was in these only for the money, i wouldnt be asking for advice, i have been sttudying these week like crazy because i understand that im dealing with a patient's life, and i have been very irresponsible this past 7 months wich im trying to fix, dont judge me if you dont know me, when i wrote the question i was really upset and frustrated and if you have critical thinking you should know that when a person feels like sees everything bigger, and sorry for the bad english IM CUBAN , i've only been here 2 years. Thank you very much for understanding, but im not looking for the money, i like medicine, NO ONE IS PERFECT and i asked for help because i want to become a better nursing student...
freshstart55: Thank you for your advice, that's what im doing, im going back to fundamentals everytime i feel lost, right now im stying Respiratory Care and Nutrition because i have a test on monday, im the kind of person that learns better when seen a video or an example so im going to youtube and google finding what i need to learn. Congratulations on passing the NCLEX :) and thank you so much for understanding me and not judging :)
Nurse in the making2: Im talking about the Clinical Nursing Skills by Smith and the CRITICALL THINKING BOOK BY SAUNDERS :)
14 Posts
Wow... First I know you said you don't want judged. If that is truly the case I suggest NOT posting something like that on here. Cheating is cheating no matter how anyone tries to paint it. Ask yourself this: Would you feel comfortable with your life in the hands of a nurse that only got through by cheating? I think we all KNOW the answer to that. A BIG FAT NO!
64 Posts
wow! Nursing may not be for you. I hope I never have you for a nurse...Just saying.
358 Posts
I understand that you are overwhelmed right now, but to cheat your way through nurising school is NOT an option! How in heaven's name do you plan on providing safe pt care in clinical when you can not even grasp the material you are tested on? Cheating on a test is a cop out in my opinion!
I work full time during the day and then go straight to school in the evenings I study my butt off in order to pass a test! I am exhausted, sleep deprieved, have sacrificed spending time with my family so I can study. I record lectures b/c I know that everything the instructor says is going in one ear and out the other...I then listen to them again when I am more awake and alert...yeah, I failed a couple tests, but you know what, I am glad to fail than to get kicked out of the program for cheating...
If your tests are based on critical thinking then you need to brush up on those skills...maybe nursing school is to much for you right now.
Sorry to pass judgement on you, but I am just really upset about the cheating stuff.
198 Posts
I don't condone the cheating. period. that being said.
Critical thinking is something that is learned but just as much ACCEPTED. You begin to just 'get it'. some people never do...and no matter how smart they are, or how badly they WANT to be nurse...well it's not enough.
now to professional ethics. You can't cheat. If your willing to cheat to pass then I can honestly say there are bigger problems. Most people would rather fail with dignity than cheat. If your not one of those people then in my opinion because of the high level of ethics involved in nursing...well this may not be the profession for you. cheating is no brainer- you don't do it. what about when a REAL ethical dilemma comes up...what would you do? the right thing? or the wrong thing because it's easier or because YOU think it's the right thing...even though others would say it's not...if you can't pass the critical thinking parts then you won't even know the difference.
I say...drop.
Study, read, learn what you need to to study and learn critical thinking skills and reapply. Wait til your ready!