Published Jun 11, 2011
3 Posts
I have always given lovenox injections in the abdomen. I recently had a patient that requested the injection in the thigh instead. I had mixed reports on whether or not that was ok from experienced nurses. Anyone have any idea whether or not this is ok??
9 Posts
check this thread
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Yes i have given it in the thigh at the patient's request.
tokmom, BSN, RN
4,568 Posts
Check the lovenox website.
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,597 Posts
Careful, Lovenox was only tested in the abdomen during trials, thus it is only approved by the FDA for injection into the abdomen.
If something happens to the patient related to the Lovenox or the injection itself you could be liable if you are administering it any where else besides the belly!
70 Posts
I had a patient demand it be given in the arm. He made the case that all the other nurses during his stay honored his request. I looked up the drug info online, and then called pharmacy. It is approved only for abdominal injection. My patient was unhappy and refused it in the abdomen. Oh well, I am not risking my license to give a med in an unapproved manner.
353 Posts
Nope I wont give it anywhere but in the abdomen. It is only approved to be given in the abdomen.
Had a patient once given a lovonox injection in the arm. Nurse accidentally administered all or part of the dose IM (she was trying for subq in the arm) and pt. developed a HUGE hematoma and suffered some permanent damage to that arm. So, no way!
miss81, BSN, RN
342 Posts
Hope this works...