Los Medanos College

U.S.A. California


I just found out tonight I'm starting this August!! I swear it feels like a dream; I never thought I would get in. There are about 500 names for 44 spots and it's done by lottery. This is my first time applying and I GOT IN!! I've never won anything in my life and this totally makes up for it~lol.


Specializes in Perinatal.
i haven't heard anything from lmc. do they send letters whether you get pick or not? i been looking out for an lmc letter, but nothing so far. it sucks because the evaluator made a mistake from the beginning when i sent in my application with my transcript. the evaluator claimed that i didn't send in all my transcript; however, i received a receipt stating that my transcript is complete. when i got a letter from the evaluator stating that i'm not qualified to apply for the program because of missing transcript, i was ******, thinking i can't believe how incompetent and careless she is. i had drive all the way to lmc to complain. the evaluator was not in, so i was told to contact her.i e-mailed her and cc'd the dean with a complaint letter. she finally admit that i'm qualified, so she sent me another letter of qualification. she said i would be in the list of applicants. unfortunately, i could not see the list. now, i'm worried that she probably never even put me in it, and i had no chance in hell of getting in. anyways, i just need to vent. i probably didn't get in.

yes, i'm pretty sure everyone gets a letter. most people i talked to received their letter either thursday or friday. that sounds likes a really frustrating situation, i'm sorry :( they said if you received the "qualified" letter you were definitely in the lottery. i live close to the school, so i had driven down to check the list the week before, to make sure my number was on there. that's too bad you had such a frustrating experience; most people i have talked to have had nothing but good things to say about the nursing department.


Specializes in Perinatal.

i am so excited! i applied all over! two schools in sac., san mateo, sf, and even all the way out in oroville (it's near chico). i got my letter in the mail yesterday, too! i live in the bay area, in the east bay. what about you? i submitted everything, just need to do the drug test. do you know anyone who has gone through the program @ lmc? it is out time to celebrate *dances around lap top!* lol! whooo hooooooo! as excited as i am, i am also nervous. yikes! =) =)

don't worry, i totally understand. i'm still super excited but the nerves are kicking in, too! i have worked so hard to get to this point and i just hope i'm cut out for it and that i don't end up hating it~lol. i can't imagine i would, but it's just a silly fear of mine. actually, i know quite a few people that have gone through the program. one of my best friends just graduated (i'm actually going to her grad party tonight!). i went to her pinning ceremony in may and i kept praying that that would be me in 2 years...and i got the good news just a few days later (positive thinking, right?!) ;) i haved lived vicariously through her for the last 2 years and she has given me so much info. she's also giving me her books and uniform~lol. it took her 4 years to get in and, even then, she was alternate #17. my friend who was in a few of my pre-reqs in alternate #16 this year (her 1st try) and i'm keeping my fingers crossed she gets in. also, another friend of mine got in...this was her 5th year and had given up hope!!

i'm still so excited, but i think people are getting sick of hearing me talk about it~lol. so, don't mind me just gabbing away to you. i know you understand how i feel right now! oh, and i live in oakley, so lmc is pretty close. i have done all my pre-reqs there :)


Kristin I know exactly how you feel! I'm excited and worried, but SO happy that 'THE DAY' has finally come. Sheesh! I busted my butt taking all those pre-reqs, I knew it would ALL be worth it in the end. That's great that you know people who have been through the program, maybe you can pass along a few pointers this way? =) Nice! books and uniform from your friend is awesome! About 5 of my friends are in an RN Program somewhere and now I can finally say that I am too! Whooo hoooo! I know a couple people that dropped out the program because nursing was not for them. I don't blame them though, if bodily fluids aren't your thing, then you are in the wrong field! I know I will def. enjoy my free time until school starts, but I look forward to starting the program..can't wait! I took all my pre-req's at CCC. Oh, i haven't introduced myself, my name is Stephanie. And it is nice to meet you (although we haven't met yet, but you know what i mean. LOL!) I'll keep my fingers crossed that your friend gets in!!! *crosses fingers and toes* =)


Sorry to hear about what happened. I faced a similar situation with one of the schools I applied to, and I was ****ed off! I understand that schools get loads of applications (don't think they are prepared to handle them), but once a mistake has been brought to their attention they need to not be so careless. Have you heard anything from the school? I wish you luck! Remember, don't give up! I applied to 7 schools....think that's the reason i got in...increased my chances.

Best wishes,


Kristin I know exactly how you feel! I'm excited and worried, but SO happy that 'THE DAY' has finally come. Sheesh! I busted my butt taking all those pre-reqs, I knew it would ALL be worth it in the end. That's great that you know people who have been through the program, maybe you can pass along a few pointers this way? =) Nice! books and uniform from your friend is awesome! About 5 of my friends are in an RN Program somewhere and now I can finally say that I am too! Whooo hoooo! I know a couple people that dropped out the program because nursing was not for them. I don't blame them though, if bodily fluids aren't your thing, then you are in the wrong field! I know I will def. enjoy my free time until school starts, but I look forward to starting the program..can't wait! I took all my pre-req's at CCC. Oh, i haven't introduced myself, my name is Stephanie. And it is nice to meet you (although we haven't met yet, but you know what i mean. LOL!) I'll keep my fingers crossed that your friend gets in!!! *crosses fingers and toes* =)

I took my pre-reqs at CCC too. The biological science teachers there are awesome:yeah:


I appreciate your words! I contacted the evaluator, and she said they are still sending out the letters th is week. I wont be able to check my mail until this weekend since I'm out of town, but I'm anxious to find out. All I want to know if I got in or not. It's a lottery system, so I wouldn't be angry if I didn't get in, just disappointed.However, I will be extremely mad if I didn't have the opportunity to get pick because I wasn't included in the applicant pool even though I'm qualified. I applied to two programs: CSUEB and Los Medanos. I should have applied to more than two, but I was late with CCC nursing program. Congrats and Good luck to you all.


Thank you! I hope you find out soon! I know that feeling of just wanting to know. I started applying to schools in Jan and have been waiting for each schools deadline to pass. Ugh! I think the waiting game IS the most nerve racking part. I wish you the best of luck! I believe that persistence pays off...keep trying. Let me know what happens, but until then, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Best wishes,



Nice! What classes did you take at CCC? Yeah. I agree, the teachers are great! =) =)

Specializes in Perinatal.


i look forward to *meeting* you in person, as well!! have you heard anything new? i know i'm being impatient, but i can't wait for my official packet. i think i'll still be a little nervous until i know everything is for sure! my friend said even after she started, she lived in fear that someone would tell her there was a mistake~lol. i have a feeling these next two months are going to pass very slowly!! i'll keep you updated on my friend, thanks for the good thoughts :)



I know right! I agree. I want our acceptance to be official already! Argh! LOL! But no worries, everything will work out in the end. It still feels like I am dreaming! I told a friend of mine that I no longer have to think of a 'back up plan' for my life, because plan A is a GO! LOL! No, I have not heard anything. Have you? Your most welcome! *sends positive vibes* Talk to you soon! And if I hear something, I will def. let you know. AHHHH! I'm scared! but in a good way, of course! =)

I finally got the letter from LMC, and no I didn't get pick this year. :smackingf:cry: I kinda had the feeling that my name didn't get pick. It was meant to be. Again, congrats to all of you who got accepted and Good luck with the LMC nursing program.

Hi Lynn, Sorry you didn't get picked this year. But at least your name was in the drawing! Keep trying and don't give up hope.... I know you'll get in somewhere :)

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