Los Medanos College

U.S.A. California


I just found out tonight I'm starting this August!! I swear it feels like a dream; I never thought I would get in. There are about 500 names for 44 spots and it's done by lottery. This is my first time applying and I GOT IN!! I've never won anything in my life and this totally makes up for it~lol.


Specializes in Perinatal.


I'm sorry you didn't get in, BUT I am glad that at least your name was in there. Keep trying and try to apply to as many places as possible to increase your chances. Best of luck to you!!


Congrats to those that made it into the LMC RN program for Fall 2010! For those that didn't, keep trying! I just got accepted as well and it was my 3rd try. I replied to my conditional acceptance, got a confirmation of receipt via email, turned in my background check info, did the drug test and turned in my TEAS transcript. Does anyone know when we will be hearing back for the official confirmation?


Specializes in Perinatal.

congrats, tes! another classmate :) i was hoping to get the packet once they received all my info, but now i'm starting to think they may be waiting to send them all at once. i know they are doing the teas next week and will then know for sure who's in. i have emailed a few times asking for confirmation that my teas transcript and background/drug screening had been received, but i never got a response. i'm just so anxious for the next step!!


I guess I just have to be patient! haha A confirmation for the TEAS test would have put my mind at ease just a little bit though.


Hey! I am sorry you didn't get in. But, don't lose hope! Keep trying!

Best wishes,


Congrats Tes! Whoo hooo! I have submitted everything and now I just waiting. i can't wait to find out more info! Yay!



I am waiting too! ugh! Trying to be patient though...i want to know NOW! LOL! Let me know if you hear anything ok? I will do the same. I can't wait! =) Hugs!


Specializes in Perinatal.

my friend told me that the people that are going this week to take their teas and pass, will receive their packet then. i guess that means the rest will be mailed out? i'm assuming we will receive them the week after next. i just got my official acceptance to another school (san joaquin delta in stockton) via email. included in the email was all the info i assume we will be getting in our packet for lmc. even though i declined my spot to delta, it was still exciting to read all the info~lol. i already have my stethoscope that my hubby and kids got me for mother's day (hot pink, of course!) but i'm excited to start buying all the other stuff! oh, and i bought a planner which is a definite must :)



Nice! Right on, pink stethoscope! I love it! I NEED a planner....gotta make myself actually use it tho. LOL! I got the 'official packet' in the mail today! Yay! I think this means that you should be getting yours soon, that's if you haven't already. Oh man, SO many things to buy. Yikes! Hope all is well. Hope to hear back from you soon. =) Hugs!


Specializes in Perinatal.

did you really?? i didn't get anything :( i have called and emailed to check my status on everything, but nobody has gotten back to me. my friend had received a copy of her drug screen/background check in the mail and i haven't received anything. i submitted everything the day i got the letter, so i'm freaking out that i haven't heard anything!!



Don't worry! I received my results for the background/drug screening on Friday so, I am sure you will get yours soon. Keep me posted. There is a ton of info...yikes! If you want to know any details just let me know. But I am sure you want to wait for your packet. Keep me posted. *sending positive vibes* =)


Received more info from LMC today. See you at orientation!

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