long term care facilities..computerized charting yet?

Specialties Geriatric


I've been out for 8 years..I am wondering if it is the norm for long term care facilities to use computerized charting now? How has documentation changed over the decade?

I started in LTC just for a month. The only computerized charting we have is for the CNA's to record the number of assists used while transferring and bathing.

The rest is PAPER CHARTING. :smackingf

Specializes in LTC.

Where I work the CNA's use a computer system called Care Tracker. No more paper for them but the nurses are still writing a book every day. Our social worker has a very frustrating job when it comes to matching up the behaviors that the CNA's chart on the computer to what the nurses write in the team notes. Everything is suppose to match but things just couldn't be that simple.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

My first nursing home job, in early 2006, had computerized charting.

However, none of the other LTC facilities since then have had computer charting. They all still utilize paper charting in my area, which is fine with me, because it seems more "defensive." When I'm charting on the old-fashioned paper nurses notes, I feel as if I'm charting for the jury.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Moved to the LTC forum for more responses.

If you're planning on returning to nursing after a hiatus and don't feel comfortable using a computer, definitely try to learn some computer skills before you go back to work. If the LTC at which you want to work is not already using computerized charting, eventually it will make the switch. Adjusting to the routine of LTC will be much easier if you don't have to learn computer skills on top of everything else.

I worked with a nurse who hated computers and said she turned down positions in which she would be required to work with computers. I'm a patient person who enjoys teaching but I wanted to nearly throttle her during her orientation when she was resistant to learning anything about the computerized charting our facility used. She lacked even the most basic keyboard skills. "Uh, what do you mean, 'scroll down'?" :banghead:

There are pros and cons to computerized charting but computer skills are imperative to anyone wanting a nursing job these days.

Oh I love computers..I'm very comfortable on them. :typing

Specializes in Geriatrics, Transplant, Education.

We use the Paperless System through Pharmerica for our med pass & treatment charting. Nurses notes are on paper.

Specializes in Hospice, Geriatrics, Wounds.

The one thing that I totally hate about having computers in LTC is that during my AM medpass, I feel as if I am SOOOOO rushed. We have meds scheduled for 0730, 0800 & 0900. The 0730's are with food. So, I don't have a problem meeting that time goal on the first part of the hall, but at the end of the hall, I am really pushing to make my time. If our meds are late, we have to type in a reason they are late. I feel so rushed, like I am going in the room, saying "here is your medicine". I really enjoy talking to my patients, and not all of them can take 10 pills at one time.

Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.
Oh I love computers..I'm very comfortable on them. :typing

I kinda figured that after I posted since you're on AN and obviously use a computer. :selfbonk:

Eh, I just needed to share that story. :coollook:

The government mandated the changes in acute care, which are now complete. There is already legislation in existence that draws a timeline for the next layer- LTC. I believe those provisions are contained in the HITECH Act unless I'm mistaken. The short-term costs are something LTCs don't want to invest in, even though it's a good long-term decision and better for patient care. So the govt is stepping in and saying "do it already". This is good for the patients/residents, good for the nurses, and good for informatics-type people, nurses who consult with software ventures, etc. All around good for everyone but the hand-wringing bean counters in administration.

Another set is physician's offices and clinics- which have already gone computerized in most cases due to the scale and profitability of doing so. LTCs are lagging but most of them can see the benefit. RNs are coming out of school now having never seen paper charting- their entire school experience is with computerized charting in acute care settings. When they go into LTC and see paper charts, they are shocked. But LTC seems like the last holdout for paper charts, at least for a few more years. Many have gone ahead and made the transition, but some are waiting for tablet PC technology, flatscreen/projection/hologram monitors, etc. to come down in price. Everyone knows that computers become obsolete every 3 yrs , so their idea is "why invest in tech before its mandated?"

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (basically the 2008 stimulus package) includes the HITECH Act, which I believe allows medicare/medicaid to reimburse SNFs and other entities to be reimbursed for part of the cost of switching to Electronic Medical Records (EMRs).

This article might help explain several reasons why many organizations are still waiting to implement (certification, investment, legislation, "meaningful use" provisions, etc.):



I've been out for 8 years..I am wondering if it is the norm for long term care facilities to use computerized charting now? How has documentation changed over the decade?

Bwahahahaha! good one! I wish!:yeah::lol2::lol2::D

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