Published Jan 22, 2003
memphispanda, RN
810 Posts
Tomorrow is our first day of clinical this semester. So I went to the floor, got my patient assignment, and started going over the chart. I found a name in there that was familiar to me (the patient's daughter) but I couldn't place the name at all. I finally decided that I must be imagining it. So I got all my info together, and went to the patient's room to introduce myself and do a brief/basic assessment. I walk in the door and there is this person in there who at first I can't place so I say "You look familiar to me..."... ... ... She says "I was in N1 with ya'll." So then I think to myself "this is a student who didn't pass?...?" Oh no...then it hit me...She was one of the clinical instructors for a different group--I never had her as a teacher, but I guess I saw her in the halls and maybe a bit during class as an observer. ARGH I have a instructor's DAD tomorrow! And he is dying! And I will feel like I am under the microscope even more than usual! I can handle it I think but UGH I hate being nervous. She was VERY nice this afternoon, but still...
1,037 Posts
But it will also possibly be a GREAT learning experiance... Don't be nervous.. :) ( I know easier said than done).. I still get the nervous belly every clinical morning :)
1,961 Posts
I'm assuming you were at the hospital to get your patient's info? Are you allowed to have contact and to be assessing the patient during this time? We weren't even allowed to be on the floor when our instructor was on her lunch break, let alone when she wasn't even in the building.
Just curious.
76 Posts
Chances are this instructor will be grateful that you're taking care of her father! At least when I was a student we had more time to spend with the patient's. Just do the best that you can. :wink2:
NurseDennie, BSN, RN
723 Posts
I'm sure it'll be okay. Just ..... I don't know, I guess try not to worry about it too much.
When I was a student, we got the information from the chart and talked to the patient just a little bit the afternoon/evening before our clinicals. We wore street clothes and were NOT allowed to touch or anything!
I always told my patients that the upside of having a student nurse (especially the brand-new ones) is that you get a LOT of attention. The down side is that they have NO authority what-so-ever.
Originally posted by OBNURSEHEATHER I'm assuming you were at the hospital to get your patient's info? Are you allowed to have contact and to be assessing the patient during this time? We weren't even allowed to be on the floor when our instructor was on her lunch break, let alone when she wasn't even in the building. Just curious. Heather
We are required to do an assessment on ourpatient prior to clinical the following morning. We aren't allowed to do any procedures or pass meds or anything like that. It's not much different than just going to visit someone in the hospital, except you also do a quick systems check up. It may be one of those things that varies by state regulations, or it could be we are allowed to do this because the hospital is affiliated with (even attached to) the school I go to. I don't know.
158 Posts
We reviewed the chart but did not see the patient the night before. Wore street clothes with lab coat over and the instructor was not present.
We also do a physical assessment on our patients the day before clinicals.... We then look at the chart and get whatever remaining information that we need to do diagnoses and lab values and stuff..
669 Posts
Wow. Well, look at it this way. Instead of dealing with those LOVELY family members who could make your day hellish with their interpretation of what's right, you will have a personally invested professional right there with you. Just make sure that you don't let your hackles automatically go up if she "suggests" things...she actually knows what she's talking about. Be open to an ultimate learning experience.
OR... she could be totally freaky and make it stink. But, all my money is going on the first scenario.
Good luck, it will be fine.
PennyLane, RN
1,193 Posts
Ack! That would make me uncomfortable too. But i guess this will be a great experience for'll be fine.
plumrn, BSN, RN
424 Posts
A little switch on this subject. While visiting my father in the stepdown unit after his CABG surgery several years ago, in walks one of my instructors! She worked one day a week in the hospital to keep up her skills. I had just graduated the month before.
He got the best of care! I'm sure she felt like she was being evaluated. She performed every task as though she was in a check-off lab! I was very happy, and I'm sure your patients daughter will be very happy to have you there, too.
Originally posted by memphispanda or it could be we are allowed to do this because the hospital is affiliated with (even attached to) the school I go to. I don't know.
or it could be we are allowed to do this because the hospital is affiliated with (even attached to) the school I go to. I don't know.
Yes, that could be. Interesting.
Just wait until you get a nurse. That's something that always rattles my feathers a little!
Hope all went well for you today.