Tomorrow is our first day of clinical this semester. So I went to the floor, got my patient assignment, and started going over the chart. I found a name in there that was familiar to me (the patient's daughter) but I couldn't place the name at all. I finally decided that I must be imagining it. So I got all my info together, and went to the patient's room to introduce myself and do a brief/basic assessment. I walk in the door and there is this person in there who at first I can't place so I say "You look familiar to me..."... ... ... She says "I was in N1 with ya'll." So then I think to myself "this is a student who didn't pass?...?" Oh no...then it hit me...She was one of the clinical instructors for a different group--I never had her as a teacher, but I guess I saw her in the halls and maybe a bit during class as an observer. ARGH I have a instructor's DAD tomorrow! And he is dying! And I will feel like I am under the microscope even more than usual! I can handle it I think but UGH I hate being nervous. She was VERY nice this afternoon, but still...