Lice, I know, old news. But need opinions!

Specialties School


I am a new school nurse and have a student and her sister that chronically have lice. The nurse last year did multiple treatments at school for these girls (with parent and principal approval, of course) and have educated the parents multiple times on how to get rid of lice. Nothing has worked. Well, this year, we have the same problem. Our lice policy is a no live lice, nits are ok to remain in school. We are seeing a lot of live lice in her hair and not only is compliance an issue with trying to help these girls rid their hair of lice, but we cannot get a hold of parents when we call them to tell them that they need to pick up their girls. So they sit in the health office with my health tech until the end of the school day. Now, the principal has proposed an idea to have these girls sit in my office until the end of the day if we cannot get a hold of parents, which is going to be everyday. They will get their school work and work on it in my office. These girls also have a lot of energy so the health tech does not want them in her health office with the other kids. I don't know what to do here and I need as much advice as anyone can give. The solution the principal came up with is not solution based and is not any help to the 2 girls.

Well, our crabby School MD/Medical Adviser WON'T change the policy, because he is old school.

He won't even allow any of the district nurses to email or call him with questions. We have to go through our admin. It's ridiculous!

Can't wait until he retires. He's getting paid to do nothing but oversee ancient policies and do a few school physicals during the year.

Oh, and meanwhile in upstate NY...

North Colonie school fighting tiny foe -- head lice - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

This would be a good skit for Saturday Night Live...starring Nurse Barb G

Specializes in School nursing.
This would be a good skit for Saturday Night Live...starring Nurse Barb G

This would make my school year.

I respectfully disagree.

Prime instruction happens in the classroom, not in any office. The classroom is where these students belong.

This is one of my soapbox issues. ...............

Jolie as usual rocks! Thank you so much.

Please advise, I was just made aware a sibling of my home health client has active outbreak (2nd time). I spend about 40 hrs a week here (nocs) Would you keep working here before they are effectively removed? I am a single mom of 5 children, joint visitation.. & this feels like the last thing I need right now!!! Besides lack of hours :(

Specializes in School Nursing.

As long as you're not making head to head contact with anyone, sharing hats, brushes or combs, you probably have nothing to worry about..

As long as you're not making head to head contact with anyone, sharing hats, brushes or combs, you probably have nothing to worry about..

Yeah, lice don't jump. ;)

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