Less than favorable nursing school applicant requesting assistance


Hey Everyone. This is my first post on allnurses.com, although I have been lurking these forums for the last five months. I am requesting some wisdom/assistance in the matters of my preparedness for applying to nursing school.

First off, a little background. I graduated December 15, 2012, in 5.5 years, from Grand Valley State University with a BS of Health Professions. My original aspiration was to become a registered dietician, then a physical therapist. Aspirations for the future as a professional ran dry during this time, as I played college lacrosse and was more concerned with partying and what not.

Following graduation, I picked up a job as a care worker at an assisted living facility for those individuals afflicted by mental illness, at which I currently am employed. During this time, I have decided that nursing is a good fit for me to begin a long, fulfilling professional career. After 5 months of working, I decided to enroll in some courses for retakes and become proactive about nursing. My aspiration is to get into an accelerated nursing program in Michigan, yet realize that an ADN program may be the most practical route.

Now comes the "bad" part.

I have retaken micro 3 times and physiology twice, the most recent of which were in the past Fall 2013 semester. For micro, my first few attempts were D,F,B-,A-(A- in Fall 2013). For physiology, my three attempts were as follows, F,D,A-(A- , once again in Fall 2013). Furthermore, during this fall semester, I took nutrition and orgo/bio combination, earning an A in both courses, while working full time. This bumped my cumulative GPA to a 3.1, with a pre-req GPA of ~3.5.

Aside from this, I have a B+ in BIO, A- in anatomy, A in cadaver and business and biology minors.

As for my future plans, I intend on getting my CNA before January is over. During this time, I hope to attain a job as a CNA in a hospital, as well as spend time volunteering with those afflicted by cancer.

Sheesh. Now that all the prefacing is done, I will present my questions.

Is my portfolio respectable for nursing programs? I know this varies by school, but most people have GPAs ranging in the 3.5+ range. While mine is low, I feel that I can make up for that in work and volunteer experience. Is this true?

I suppose I am looking for any bit of advising in this matter that wise individuals on this forum can provide. I am not feeling too confident in my chances of getting accepted. I intend on applying to Lakeview College, Lewis University, Oakland university, Wayne State, University of Michigan, University of Detroit Mercy, Macomb community college, Grand Rapids CC, and Muskegon CC. If anyone could give me their personal experiences, especially those with less than favorable odds, I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your time.

You are correct that all colleges are different in their acceptance criteria.. Are you planning on pursuing a traditional BSN route, i.e. 4 or 5 full semesters, or the ABSN 14 or so month option?

The biggest concern that I would caution - while looking at each university's entrance requirement pay special attention to the class repeat requirement... it is very common that science prereqs will only allow 1 course to be repeated only once. This may be an issue for micro and phisioloy multiple repeats.

Best of luck.

Specializes in Public Health.

You should check the admission policies of eAch school you're applying to. Just do a BSN instead. Don't waste your time.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Work experience doesn't count for much when applying to schools. I have a ton of medical experience, and it didn't do me anything. It's all about the numbers- overall GPA, prereq GPA, TEAS score, etc.

Definitely look at the websites for those schools, and plan to apply to as many as you're willing to attend. Consider an ADN, then RN-BSN, if you don't think you'll be competitive for a BSN program. Many ADN programs are done by a lottery system (at least here in CA they are), so you'd have an equal chance with everyone else that's qualified.

Check the repeat policies at the schools, too. Some schools won't accept grade improvements above passing (for example, your B- would be accepted over your A- in that one class). Some schools won't accept repeats, period. Some schools won't take students with a bachelor's degree. Do your research, and cast a wide net.

Good luck!

I felt the same way when I applied to my program. When I started school I didn't really have direction. I skipped classes a lot, didn't study, etc. Once I figured out what I wanted to do I started getting good grades in the classes that mattered (Micro, A&P, Chem). I had an over all of about a 3.1 GPA. They also made us take a pre-nursing test (HESI-A2)-- I got an 87%. When I attended the nursing information session they said that most of the applicants that got accepted had above a 3.5 GPA and above a 80%. I also have two more pre-req courses to finish to meet their requirments--they said that most students have all the pre-nursing courses finished because those add into your total score. So I was not confident in my application at all.

I got in though!! I start in about 2 weeks!!

Also, I know a lot of school give you extra points if you already have a previous bachelors degree or for having previous medical experience. I would do some research and find out about the schools you are applying to because that is not true for them all.

All I can say is there are exceptions to rules all the time--so just because you don't think you will get in doesn't mean you shouldn't apply! Just send in your application and see what happens! I wish you the best of luck!

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in here. I was/am a less than favorable student myself. I have a BS in Biology and did not take school serious the first time. I worked in group homes for some time too. I also joined in 2008 here as I was thinking of it and it took me this long to get it together, plus a few moves to better areas for schools and less wait times. I had resigned myself to start on the LpN/ADN track myself, which would have been fine, just longer and more money. Then I went and talked to the director at a University with an ABSN program. I didn't meet the GPA requirements, but wrote a letter explaining why and if they just looked, in my most recent classes I have gotten A's. I was biting my nails, I really was. But, I got in! I think it really helped that I went in to talk to them and got as much info as possible. Also, this particular program told me the reference letters were what really snag a spot. They said everyone does so good on their essays that the reference letters were actually what mattered. I also made it clear I would do whatever it took to get a BSN, even going to a technical school and starting at the bottom. Good luck! If this is what's you really want you will get there!

Your biggest issue in my opinion may be your science repeats. In my school we are only allowed one repeat of one science. Unless it has expired due to time constraints.

At Macomb community college repeats don't count against you. If your GPA from English, microbiology, intro to nursing and a and p is over a 3.4ish and you get a good score on your HESI you will have absolutely no problem getting in. I know this from experience. I retook three classes that show up as a previous E and ranked in the top 40 still!

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