Lawson state community college, Nursing Program 2016, ADN, LPN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone,

Wanted to start a thread for Lawson State Hopefuls Nursing Program SUMMER AND FALL 2016. Are there anyone that will be applying soon or already a Nursing student in the program already? I will be apply in a few months from now

Thank you!!

Shonta05, CNA sorry to hear you didn't get in, but I think if you have your BIO finished you'll get in next time. That class is worth I think 20 or 30 points if you make an A. But when I received my letter last fall my degree plan hadn't changed.

Checked my letter I did not get accepted into the program I only met the minimum.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully we will be in there next year.

Shonta05, CNA sorry to hear you didn't get in, but I think if you have your BIO finished you'll get in next time. That class is worth I think 20 or 30 points if you make an A. But when I received my letter last fall my degree plan hadn't changed.

I made all Bs in the biology and A's in my other. The teas test is what got me

So sorry futureRnKyf, never give up on your dreams. It will happen for you and shonta05, the way time is passing those 11months will be here in no time.

So sorry futureRnKyf, never give up on your dreams. It will happen for you and shonta05, the way time is passing those 11months will be here in no time.

I wont, thank you! I was feeling bad because all of my Nurses co workers was rooting for me and wanted me to get in so I could work with them. But yes those months will fly by so I have my ACT book in my hand as I speak. Im taking it everywhere with me

Same with me. My gpa was real good and i was on high 150's points wise. I think my teas test was not good enough. I will try to get the extra 11points in the next sem or so since thats all i needed to take and work on my ACT. Hopefully next time we all get in. What was your total points @futureRNkyf?

I did not apply to the LPN program too. I should have. I applied to both campuses but only got one letter. Does that mean I did not get accepted on both bessemer and bham campus?

I was a transfer student in, I made good grades except a c in my A&P. I didn't get the extra points

Hey. Did u guys get a letter ?

I was a transfer student in, I made good grades except a c in my A&P. I didn't get the extra points

Same here, i am a transfer student and did not get the extra points. Got my bios all A's and B in micro.

I got my letter. I did not get accepted into the RN but they did Offer me LPN and I will be accepting that.

That's great nurse2b09, hopefully I'll get my return aletter today, or soon.

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