Lawson state community college, Nursing Program 2016, ADN, LPN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone,

Wanted to start a thread for Lawson State Hopefuls Nursing Program SUMMER AND FALL 2016. Are there anyone that will be applying soon or already a Nursing student in the program already? I will be apply in a few months from now

Thank you!!


I totally regret the fact that you did not get in but never give up. I still waiting because the letters were sent out on the 29th and I live in Tuscaloosa so it takes a few days for me.

Oh okay. Thanks I will keep going. Its makes me work harder on my ACT test now. So hopefully Ill get in. The lord has a plan for me. I look at it as a way to keep working. I am trying to help bring in extra money so that we can move in our house that we had built. So I know me quitting my full time job to do 1 or 2 days a week would make it hard to do that.

Anyone else got a letter?

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get in Shonta. Keep your head up.

Nothing for me yet!

I'm sorry don't give up! It's okay. It sometimes takes longer journeys than others. I'm so scared myself I haven't been home yet

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get in Shonta. Keep your head up.

Thanks! Im trying to hold myself together. Its sad that I end up checking the mailbox before going on my long ride to walmart. So Im driving and do some deep thinking. Ill apply next year and apply to more schools too. I just emailed the address on the letter and wanted to know some info regrading my app. Hope they can tell me and Im hoping they say they sent me the wrong letter (wishful thinking). On to my ACT and do my last biology class. I guess and wait it out another 11 months

Did the degree change as most people said happen? I heard someone say theirs didnt when they got accepted.

What would it change to?

Sorry to hear that, keep your head up. Do you mind sharing what was your points?

Did the degree change as most people said happen? I heard someone say theirs didnt when they got accepted.

No it did not change for the ones I know were accepted.

Sorry to hear that, keep your head up. Do you mind sharing what was your points?

Its okay. I told my husband and said he was sorry to hear that since I worked my butt off. So I told him maybe it was kinda okay because we are trying to finish up our new home. And he said yes because it would be better. I said I would have to quit my job and he seem to be okay with how I felt. So I dont know if I added up my points right since I was missing one class. But I dont think I made it in the 150's. I would say 125. I should have used that in LPN. Because I was finished with everything except the nursing classes for LPN

Checked my letter I did not get accepted into the program I only met the minimum.

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