Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

U.S.A. Louisiana


Hi. I am very interested in the accelerated ASN program at Our Lady of the Lake in Baton Rouge. Can anyone give me any information on this program? I've seen the information that is available online. However, I am looking for information from experienced insiders such as: getting accepted, true level of difficulty, etc. This will be a major career change for me, and I do not want to make a bad decision. I have a 3.6 gpa from SLU w/ AA in OSH and BA in Gen Studies. I consider myself a capable, hard working student but all I have heard is HORROR stories.


curiousKayPee, they did ask me to bring in proof of residency, so I'm going to assume that yes you would have to be a resident. They might have included other parishes, but I cannot remember them off the top of my head! Here is the info I sent out to those who emailed me:

"For Jefferson Parish:

East Jefferson LA Works Business and Career Solutions Center

1801 Airline Drive, Suite A, Metairie, LA 7001

(It's past Causeway heading toward New Orleans, next to the Hurwitz Mintz building.)

The phone number is (504) 838-5678

I went in last week, became a member (basic information and questions on the computer) and did a resume (required), then got the info on tuition and what could be paid for plus a list of what I needed to bring in for proof of residency, proof of my bachelor's degree, FAFSA, etc. I will be going back this Tuesday to try to finalize things, so I'll have a better idea of what the whole process is after that, and I can let ya'll know.

Give the office a call and I'm sure that they can direct each of you to the correct places for your parish and let you know what the specific requirements will be for you, since it can vary from place to place. Hope this helps!"

Ok thanks, maybe I will have to wait until I have an address there, but I will call Monday as well!

Specializes in Neuro ICU, SICU.

Ok, I just called the Jefferson Parish WIA office and they said that the only funding that they provide at this point is "Urban Funding" for individuals that have not worked for at least the past 6 weeks and were residents of Jefferson Parish during Hurricane Katrina. However, she did say to call back around mid July to see if they have been granted additional funding for other types of students. So this rules me out bc I have a job and did not live in that parish during Katrina, but like she said, more funds may be available in the near future.

If anyone gets any different/new info, feel free to share.

That sucks...

Has anyone been able to find those pharmacy notes, I'm still looking to find them.

Specializes in Neuro ICU, SICU.

I still have not found them. I did notice that the pharmacology class starts on Aug 29, so I am hoping we can find them soon. I want to get ahead right now while I'm not taking classes!

curiouskaypee- I still never got that financial aid packet that you were talking about. What all is it composed of?

Hi everyone. I went to the WIA office in Orleans Parish today. I had to bring in my acceptance letter and my driver's license. So I went there thinking that all I had to do was fill out some paper work to see if I qualify. The lady that worked there asked for information such as: Address, highest level of education, phone number, college I will be attending etc. I was also informed that I have to take a test by Work Keys. The test is on Reading, Math, and Locating information. UMMMMM I wasn't expecting to have to take a test to get money that's funded by the state. So the lady gave me a study guide. The test is only given on Monday's. Monday coming up is a Holiday so I have to wait until July 11th to take the test. B/c we are going into the nursing field, we have to make a high score on the test in order to qualify for funding. After you past the test, you have to bring in your Driver's Liscense, Acceptance Letter, Birth Certificate, SScard and a Resume. I need this money for school b/c my loans from financial aid will not cover my tuition. I don't understand why we have to take a test for funding if we already have a Bachelor's degree; which means that we are educated individuals.

The number for Orleans Parish is: (504) 658-4580. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment.

So you have already did your financial aid paperwork, I didn't think we would be able to get any money from them, since we have a bachelors already.

Yes we are eligible for the funding if we have a Bachelor's degree. The only grant we are unable to get is a Pell Grant b/c we already have a Bachelor's degree. Yes, I received my Financial Aid Award letter but it's not enough to cover my tuition. Does anyone know about other Scholarships or grant money available?

Specializes in Neuro ICU, SICU.

I have considered taking out a private student loan through wells fargo to cover what the rest of what the financial aid loan will not. The interest is deferred and is between 3 & 10 % depending on your credit. I also would like to add that our loan through financial aid should be interest free. There is an interest forgiveness program through LELA available for those that end up working as nurses in Louisiana. This interest forgiveness will not cover the private loans though.

Here is the link to LELA:

The program is called HELP Nurses.

Here is the wells fargo student loan link:

The loan I was looking at is called the wells fargo Collegiate Loan.


What is the financial aid loan you are talking about? Did I miss something?! I'd like to make sure I'm doing everything I can before I go taking out other loans.

WIA was definitely a bust for me because of the fact that I have been working. Oh well.

Funmanchuesday- it wasn't a financial aid, it was just our schedule and that paper talking about payments.

Wow can't believe its like two weeks away until orientation!

Specializes in Neuro ICU, SICU.

jess525- Im talking about what we are eligible for through Financial Aid. We can not receive pell grants through FinAid, so when you fill out your fafsa and everything you should be eligible for Stafford Subsidized loans or Stafford Unsubsidized loans through Financial Aid. The amount should be $12,500 for the year from what I have read. It is a LOAN, so you have to pay this back, but I also read that you can have the interest waived by applying for the Nurses HELP program when we graduate. You must work as a nurse in LA to have the interest waived. I know it's not ideal, but it will probably be the best option unless we find some other type of funding/scholarship. Maybe they will mention something at orientation...

CuriousKayPee- Ok, I didnt get that, but I can see our schedule on WebServices. Did anyone ever find out when tuition was due? Im ready for orientation and getting started too!

AshputGod1st- How long did it take to receive you Financial Aid award letter? Did you get the full amount I mentioned above? I sent in all my paperwork (institutional application and independent verification) and my fafsa already and then did the online counseling thing and master promissory note yesterday.

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