LaCharity ebook typo or not?


hi everyone,

im just a bit confused about the ebook of Prioritization by LaCharity.

im not sure if its a typo so i would like to ask it in the forum.

Excerpt from Chapter 13: Diabetes and Endocrine Problems

24. A patient with adrenal insufficiency is to be discharged and will take prednisone (Deltasone) 10 mg orally each day. What would you be sure to teach the patient?

1. Excessive weight gain or swelling should be reported to the physician.

2. Changing positions rapidly may cause hypotension.

3. A diet with foods high in potassium may be beneficial.

4. Signs of hypoglycemia may occur while taking this drug

24. Ans: 1. Rapid weight gain and edema are signs of excessive drug therapy, and the dosage of the drug would need to be adjusted. Hypertension, hyperkalemia, and hyperglycemia are common in patients with adrenal hypofunction. Focus: Prioritization

in my opinion, the rationale listed indicate 3 manifestations ofCushing's syndrome. The highlighted bolded phrases above in my opinion should be written as a adrenal hyperfunction, right? pls correct me if Im wrong.

Firstly, I have found A LOT of errors in the LaCharity Ebook. And some discrepencies - such as where it says that you should first oxygenate a patient in sickle cell crisis - and every other source has said fluids first!

That said, I think it should say hyperfunction also. The only other problem is that Cushings has HYPOkalemia and hyper everything else. ????

thanks. btw, does the LaCharity paperbook contains discrepancies found in the ebook version?

I too found alto of disrepencies in the Pda book and didn't bother using it at all. The rationales just didn't make sense to me like Saunders, plan, or nclex 4000. I've done so many questions that i am able to.recognize the answer and when i do the Pda book n get the answer wrong when in fact it was right in all my other study materials, i decided not to use it so that i don't confuse myself. But that's just me....

Specializes in Maternity.

Just thought I'd comment for future readers. I too have found numerous mistakes as well as confusing/irrational rationales - and all in the printed version of LaCharity. I was really confused at first, because so many people spoke highly of it. And while some of the questions are just challenging (and therefore helpful) many seem either incorrect, or do not have adequate rationales. In the end, I stopped using it, and stuck with Kaplan and Saunders, both of which are excellent.

IS PDA a good book to use for lvn/pn or just rn?

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