Has anybody had to deal with know-it-all pre-nursing students? I recently got hired for a local retail job and I started talking to this girl during first day work orientation about school and I found out she wanted to be a nurse and go into the same program as me. Then, out of no where she starts coaching me on how to get into the program(that she is not even in herself) and about all the prerequisites and how and when to take them all while I am trying to make clear to her that I am fine and know what I have to do. I am not sure what I did to set her off all I was asking her were general questions like What type of nurse do you want to be when you graduate? and Are you going to be a CNA first?. What kind of ticks me off is when she starts talking about her grades and they are lower than mine! I really feel as if she was talking down to me just because I am a few years younger. I know some of the things she said sounded "helpful" but there were more things she said that I can't remember that you could tell were just down right condescending if you were there. Ugh, has anybody else had to deal with someone like this while studying to become a nurse?