having a kid


I'm not sure where the best place would be to post this but I want opinions from those who are already nurses. Currently I'm finishing my first semester of nursing school. I have 3 left to go. I have a son who will be one this month. My husband and I are trying to decide when is a good time to add anther child. I know I don't want to have another one while I'm in school. ( I wouldn't mind being in the early stages of pregnancy while in school but I don't want to have a newborn while in school)

We think about a 3-5 year gap between the two children is ideal. My question is in your opinion would it be better to try to get pregnant towards the end of school & have the baby before securing a nursing job. Or better to wait till I found ah job?

The obvious answer is wait till I've found a job but my last pregnancy I was pretty sick for it & I'm scared of 12 hour days while being pregnant I just don't know if my body could do that?

Money isn't an issue either way.

So since you actually work in the job what do you think? What would be better.. What might I be missing?

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I wouldn't try to get or be pregnant during nursing school. I would rather have a secure job THEN get pregnant. If your pregnancy is that bad then go from there. I know my pregnancy was really bad that I had to turn down my acceptance. I wouldn't get pregnant during nursing school again! I would rather be working & have to take leave but that is just my opinion.

Thank you for the reply!

Specializes in CCRN.

One thing to consider if you wait until after you finish school or even toward the end of school is what your job protection will be if you start working while pregnant or if you get pregnant shortly after starting a new job. Maternity leave (if you are in the US) is not a guaranteed thing in many companies these days. FMLA protection usually is only for people that have been employed with their current company for a year. That's just something to think about with the timing. Good luck!

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
One thing to consider if you wait until after you finish school or even toward the end of school is what your job protection will be if you start working while pregnant or if you get pregnant shortly after starting a new job. Maternity leave (if you are in the US) is not a guaranteed thing in many companies these days. FMLA protection usually is only for people that have been employed with their current company for a year. That's just something to think about with the timing. Good luck!

This. I would work & plan to work somewhere for a year before I get pregnant again so I can use FMLA & maternity leave & still have my job.

Good to know I didn't have a paid maternity leave with my current job. That's something to consider.

Specializes in ICU.
Good to know I didn't have a paid maternity leave with my current job. That's something to consider.

FMLA's not paid, it just means you don't get fired because you're out of work for so long. I wouldn't use that as much of a consideration.

I would definitely not graduate and immediately take time off work to have a child. You risk becoming an "old new grad" that's not a competitive job applicant and having a ten times more difficult job search because of it.

I had my first child a month or so after graduating nursing school. I finished the semester in December, had my son in February. I took my boards 6 weeks after he was born. I got my first nursing job in May. It worked out absolutely perfect for me. I didn't want to try and interview SUPER pregnant, or before I was ready to return to work. And I didn't want to burn bridges by dropping the pregnancy bomb when I was will on orientation. Financially, I would have been able to stay home a few more months but decided I really wanted to work. What does your last semester entail for school? And even though all pregnancies are different, you have experience with your first regarding whether or not you think it would be doable to be pregnant in your last semester. It's such a difficult decision trying to find the best time to have children! Good luck with your decision!

My 2 boys are 18 months apart, I had my first about 3 years into my career and it is awesome, they are best friends.

As to what you should do? I have no idea. I don't know you. Do what feels right to your and your husband. There is never a completely "right" time.

Yeah I know FMLA isn't paid I realize I didn't make that clear. What I meant was I might be able to find a job with a paid maternity leave if I waited.

I've heard it's not a good idea to wait to find a job after graduation. But I guess what it's coming down to assuming I can time it right would it be easier to start a new job & learn that job with a newborn/young baby & not have to work as a nurse being pregnant ( we won't have anymore kids after a 2nd one) or work as a nurse while pregnant.. When it might be similar to my last pregnancy that I was sick for.

I understand no one can make the decision but my family but when I was talking with my husband about it he suggested I try talking to those who are already nurses to see what their opioion was.

I understand no one can make the decision but my family but when I was talking with my husband about it he suggested I try talking to those who are already nurses to see what their opioion was.

Then I will offer my standard advice: Start RIGHT NOW! :whistling:

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

My first pregnancy was horrible. I have epilepsy, depression & anxiety. I was off both of my medications so I was a wreck (the baby was a surprise). I was on bed rest the last trimester, in & out of the ER & I gained 100 lbs. The pregnancy was far from easy.

But I still want one more baby. I have a time line set up of everything I need to do & if it goes according to plan I will have been at work for a year then I will try to get pregnant. At least the next child will be planned & I will be under doctors (neuro, psych..etc) care to monitor me.

I'm hoping the next pregnancy will be easier. But every pregnancy is different. I would much rather have a job & be pregnant than be pregnant during nursing school. Some bosses are accommodating (my boss was ridiculously nice when I found out I was pregnant), nursing schools aren't.

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