Kaplan Review course


For everyone that is wondering if Kaplan review course is worth the money, let me reassure you that it is NOT. I just got through taking the Kaplan course and it is not worth the 450 dollars that they charge. I did all the Q banks and question trainers and received about 55 to 60 % on all of them. I thought that it would have helped me when I went to take the NCLEX but it did not. The questions were not even close to the way Kaplan taught. They even contradicted themselves on the rational on several questions, particularly the infectious control pertaining to the droplet, airbourne, and contact. Yes, there was some good pointers that they give but nothing that you cannot find over the internet or in any other review book. They only study guide that I actually saw very similar questions to the NCLEX was the NCLEX 3500 website. NCLEX 3500 is a free website to. I have to give them credit for helping me pass the NCLEX the first time with only 88 questions. So please keep you money and buy 20 books worth of questions and answers. Even this website "allnurses" helped a great deal.

They only study guide that I actually saw very similar questions to the NCLEX was the NCLEX 3500 website. NCLEX 3500 is a free website to. I have to give them credit for helping me pass the NCLEX the first time with only 88 questions. So please keep you money and buy 20 books worth of questions and answers. Even this website "allnurses" helped a great deal.

What is the NCLEX 3500 website?


Specializes in orthopedics, med/surgery.


Here is a link. You will need to use Internet Explorer as your browser. For some reason, it doesn't like Firefox.;jsessionid=190144985D26043F94A94CBFAF99278B

You can also google nclex 3500 then

click on

Main Menu - NCLEX-RN 3500 - Institutional Version

Hope this works for you. Let me know if it doesn't but it should.

Specializes in Nurse Aid.
For everyone that is wondering if Kaplan review course is worth the money, let me reassure you that it is NOT. I just got through taking the Kaplan course and it is not worth the 450 dollars that they charge. I did all the Q banks and question trainers and received about 55 to 60 % on all of them. I thought that it would have helped me when I went to take the NCLEX but it did not. The questions were not even close to the way Kaplan taught. They even contradicted themselves on the rational on several questions, particularly the infectious control pertaining to the droplet, airbourne, and contact. Yes, there was some good pointers that they give but nothing that you cannot find over the internet or in any other review book. They only study guide that I actually saw very similar questions to the NCLEX was the NCLEX 3500 website. NCLEX 3500 is a free website to. I have to give them credit for helping me pass the NCLEX the first time with only 88 questions. So please keep you money and buy 20 books worth of questions and answers. Even this website "allnurses" helped a great deal.

I total agree with you, I took Kaplan review course and didn’t work for me either. That is not something that I will recommend for any one. During exam I had question 105 and still I didn’t make it, I wish I could take it.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I think what we have to remember is everyone is different on what works for them, some love Kaplan and passed with it, others like Saunders. The main thing is finding a study way that suits you and stick to it

I think what we have to remember is everyone is different on what works for them, some love Kaplan and passed with it, others like Saunders. The main thing is finding a study way that suits you and stick to it

Would it be bad if i did both?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

That is up to you but don't get too many books and confuse issues. I personally stuck with one, the Saunders, but have seen others use the 2 any more and things can get complicated. IMHO


So my parents offered to pay for kaplan....but if i can save them money, i will use saunders for free. I just want to pass the test the first time.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If you use Saunders and Suzanne's plan (you need the time) then you have a very good chance. Her program has excellent results

I also felt that the kaplan program was not really helpful, but I've heard that it has really helped others. I just found out today that I passed with 75 questions my first time but I really felt that the level of difficulty on the NCLEX was way higher than the practice questions in the Qbank, but this could be from the adaptive nature of the NCLEX, too. A lot of hospitals will reimburse you for any review course you take once you start orientation, and I was lucky enough to get a position at one of these facilities. I also feel that it just depends on the person and how they learn as to what review course is best for them. I do feel it is important to look at rationales for correct and incorrect answers, so you know where you went wrong, or where you were right.

Hi there,

So I'm starting to study for the NCLEX-PN and was wondering what Suzanne's plan is?

Also, which Saunders book/resource is helpful?

My school provided us with ATI, but not sure if that is a good study program. Having really started it, just reading the review books right now.

Any thoughts?

My school also used ATI and had to pass with a level 2 or higher to go to the next class. The problem with ATI is that it is mostly knowledge based. NCLEX is not a knowledge based test. It tests you on how you can apply your knowledge in a certain situation. I barely received a level 2 on my ATI testing and found it very little help when it came to taking the NCLEX. I had to play the game my school was playing since they wanted the ATI tests and I had no option in the deal. I had to use the ATI. ATI does help you build you knowledge base and gives you pretty good rational but I would not recommend using it solely for studying for the NCLEX. I had one girl in my class that did great on the ATI during the school always getting a high level 2 and level 3 and she got a big head and decided not to study for the NCLEX and just use the ATI. She failed. Passed the 2nd time but none the less failed. I would use the ATI for the knowledge part of the studying and don't use it solely for the NCLEX.

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