I know, I know there had been many questions about this topic. I also know that it depends on the test taker if either of the two would work. It's just that I don't have all the money in the world to do both. If only I did I really would. I recently took my exam on 10/06/14 and failed on first try at 89 questions. I am a foreign educated nurse who is not among the 30% that passes on the first try. I had given myself some time to put it together and is now willing to study again. I have re-registered with the boards and peasonvue. Now what irks me is, how should I study this time around? What should I use? What review should I take? My first try taking it I took the course called NCLEX75 of SIMPLENURSING.COM. It cost me $350, now that they have refunded that amount I want to try KAPLAN or HURST and see if it works this time. I also used the PDA by LaCharity book and Mary Ann Hogan Comprehensive review. I also purchased the NCLEX MASTERY APP for $30 I believe.
Please help as I am as lost as in the beginning. Thank you in advance.