Kapiolani CC ADN selection

U.S.A. Hawaii


  1. What was your TEAS score for KCC?

9 members have participated

Hi All,

I am curious as to what a competitive applicant has for an ATI TEAS score, GPA, prereqs. I understand the minimum TEAS was 78, but it has been temporarily lowered to 65.

Obviously, the higher the scores the better, but what does an average accepted applicant's scores look like?

What is a solid TEAS score for acceptance, do I have to score in the 90s or are scores in 70s adequate?

Do most selectees earn A's on their Zoology and MICR, or are B's competitive? Essentially, I am wondering if I should fork out additional money to retake the zoology classes to raise the B's to A's or is that an unwise use of tight funds?

Any guidance is appreciated.

So, what do you do as traveling nurse, where have you traveled?

Any word from UH for those who applied? Crossing my fingers for you!:up:

Just came back from the mailbox and the UHM results were in, I was accepted to the BSN program for Spring 2014!:yes:

Hi, yeah I just dont understand it...I got turned down by KCC and accepted by UHM, BSN. Congrats CPO, I know it sounds weird but I really wanted to go to KCC and since I am on a grant its not the tuition, I thought I learned more from my classes there than when I went to UHM. At least that clears some spots up so I hope you can get in guys. I will have to take the UHM slot. I still hope to meet you guys some time though, maybe I'll crash your get together on Nov 8th. I'll tell KCC next week so folks can move up.


Hi:) I just wanna share my experience. Almost 2years ago I took NLN and I got 116. I only got 49 on verbal so there was no chance to go to UH. Then I decided to give TEAS a try but I only scored 76. I knew that couldn't get me into ADN. I really didn't wanna retake those tests. They are expensive! I thought instead of waiting I might as well give PRCN a try. I got in and graduated last August. I met a traveling nurse during my med-surg rotation and she made me realize how much I wanna be a traveling nurse! I never ever regret the decision I made to give that program a try because I had a taste of how life really is in nursing school. Some people think it's a waste of time to get into that program. They never realize how much time they are wasting waiting and trying to get into ADN. If you already tried twice, you could have been an LPN already!

Anyway, I applied for the transition and ADN. I was pretty sure I couldn't get into transition because grades on summer class were posted on Aug26th(I think) and they needed the applications by Sept1st. I was sure I couldn't get my LPN license before that. (I'm taking my NCLEX-PN this week anyway, wish me luck!)

I got into ADN for spring2014. I still didn't retake my TEAS! I applied with 76. That's pretty low. I think the PRCN experience really helped me a lot. I met most of the professors and counselors in nursing dept. I got all my prereqs and coreqs done though. I think getting them all done before turning your application is a huge factor.

Good luck guys. I'm pretty sure people back out when they get their UH acceptance letter. Let's hope for that. Don't be discourage. When it gets tough, just remember how much you want this. Reminding yourself the reason behind all these hard work really keeps you going. Nobody said it's gonna be easy, so just hang in there. I really hope to see you all on Nov8!

Thanks for the motivation TravelingRNWannabe!

Congratulations CPO1893 and Coug! They couldn't resist your good looks that's why COUG!! haha. I didn't receive any notifications yet. Hopefully it's good news though. :)

Congrats coug and cpo! So happy for you guys! Yea UHM is much much easier to get into. Yes come crash it! Still would love to you guys! Rockinitfreshhawaii good luck!


Did you take the nln? Or the teas? I was wondering if you met all the minimum requirement for UH on the teas. I have a friend who is at uh right now and she said there were some that didn't meet the minimum and got it. So just curious.

I used the NLN for UHM because I had a couple 99s and a 97 and only a 78 on the TEAS which I thought was much harder. Well the grammer part at least. I think I had a 4.0 for UHM pre-reqs and KCC, but as we know KCC has a higher standard for some strange reason. I dont want to sound bitter though, I am really lucky and am grateful for this chance, but puzzling.

I found the NLN much easier. But with the verbal part I ran out of time because I completely forgot to look at my watch. So when they called out 5 minutes I had 20 questions left, so I had to just answer anything. My science and math were in the 90's. Anyway again congratulation!!! I am sure UH is just as good as KCC. =) So so happy for you and CPO!

You're next rockinit!

I hope so Ellers. I missed the math and english & language usage by a couple percents so I used my NLN score instead. No 90's for the NLN but hoping my pre-GPA (4.0) and cum-GPA (3.5) is good enough to compete with the others. Wait, people got in without hitting the minimum teas marks?

Yea I don't know. That's what my friend said because she called me a month after the application deadline and told me she talked to a few of her classmates and some of them didn't meet the benchmark but got it. But when I asked Brian he said we need to meet it. But I'm gonna retake the nln. Hopefully they have it in December because the fall deadline is jan 1. But I'm really praying to get in at kcc this spring. Goodluck!

Just got my letter to UHM. I got in! I guess my test scores were good enough. Plan B came through.

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