Just got the dreaded phone call

Nurses Recovery

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Well, I got fired a year into a 3 year contract after testing positive for opiates that I'm not prescribed/investigated for diversion/suspension without pay for over a week.  I knew that there was a 50-50 chance I'd be fired.  I'm actually OK?  I'm relieved that I hit rock bottom and I can finally get up.  I am scared that once they notify the board I'm ***ED.  What am I going to do for work?  How do I go ahead and enter a monitoring program?  I'm licensed in TX but have a compact license and live in VA now.  I know I need help.  I'm scared.  I'm hopeful.  Any advice and encouraging words would be appreciated!

subee said:

Plus a lawyer.  American Associan of Nurse Attorneys.  Being in a monitoring program doesn't mean you can't work as a nurse.


Wait, TX allows you to have a compact license while you're in monitoring? 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Sam_0896 said:

Wait, TX allows you to have a compact license while you're in monitoring? 

 I don't know the answer to that since I lived in a non-compact state.  I would guess that they notify all of the other states in your compact that you are in a program.  

Sam_0896 said:

Wait, TX allows you to have a compact license while you're in monitoring? 

mine automatically went to a single state when I was in monitoring, it was easy to get it switched back after I was finished though!


aaloving1 said:


Wait why

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
aaloving1 said:


But you said in a previous post:  TX PEER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM IS EASY. I have a Restricted license and CAN NOT GET A JOB ANYWHERE!

The thought has occurred to me that your time with TPAN isn't the problem and that you are blaming them for no cause.

You have no idea!!

I am a two time graduate of TPAPN.  Total of 7 years in monitoring by TPAPN.  Actually, it wasn't that hard to follow the guidelines for me.  I self referred both times, 18 years apart,  and was reported the second time to the BNE 18 months after I was enrolled in TPAPN.  The Board gave me a confidential order to complete TPAPN and my order is not discoverable on the Board website or Nurseys as long as I have no further disciplinary action.  I completed in I believe 2018.  My advice to anyone who is a nurse and an addict in Texas.  Enroll in TPAPN as quickly as possible, start IOP.  I was not afraid of my Casemanager, and I let them know they were here to assist me in my recovery, and not stand in the way of my practice.  I was allowed to prescribe meds upon entry into the Program the last, and I repeat the last time I was in TPAPN.  I advocated for myself and my practice and was treated with dignity and respect by my Casemanager.  I also respected my Casemanager and their role in my recovery and return to safe nursing practice.  I was off two weeks the Last time and I repeat the Last time is was in TPAPN.  In my opinion the sooner I got help the sooner I could put monitoring behind me.  I did not have a lawyer, but I also didn't tell them where the bodies were!  You don't have to gut yourself.  Tell them the least they need to know, follow the rules, ride under the radar and return to a great life and a career that has tons of options.  Good luck.  You can do it!

You can only make the decision for you. I am going to give you so advice that I honestly think will help you but you need to decide yourself. I say if you have a drug problem - take care of it now. Get whatever help you can. if you can go into inpatient treatment and you can benefit from it- do it. Find a good place that your insurance takes and they will assess you and let you know what they think will work for you. Which is basically what your insurance will pay for- but that's nothing to worry about now. Rehab is great if you need it. It is also helpful when you have been Identified as a drug user. It shows that you had a problem and you took care of it. When you hear from the board- they will see that you are taking everything very seriously and you wouldn't lose your license. You will be put on a monitoring program but you will still be able to be a nurse. Just follow their recommendations and everything will be just fine. The monitoring program is not fun but it's not forever. You will get through it. Just remember Rehab is not a horrible thing- it's to help you get off drugs and have a productive life. If you have a drug problem it is going to help you get better and stay clean. It's not easy but it's worth it if that is what you want to do. 

Do you know: No one governs the TxBON actions!! Even if you go before a Texas Administrative Law Judge and they rule in your favor the BON can refuse to accept their ruling. And, by then you have dropped thousands of dollars in Attorney fees!!



I have had more than my fair share of dealing with the TXBON.

not enough information to give you my subjective opinion 

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