Just for fun; Quotes you use for encourgement

Nursing Students General Students


What quotes or sayings do you tell your self when there are bad days in nursing school?

Mind would be "God brought me to it, he'll bring me through it" :D

I found one awhile back that has been part of my signature for emails since I started going to school.

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday!" ~ Unknown

Each day brings me a little closer to my final goal!:nurse:

I tell myself I am a Lake Woebegone woman....you know, "...and that's the news from Lake Woebegone, where all the women are strong, ;) the men are good looking and the children are above average..."

I am also a BIG proponent of Gratitude, with a capital G, and being consciously thankful of the good things, even when in the dark. This keeps me aware that as long as I am doing something, things will get better.

Specializes in Med Surg, Parish Nurse, Hospice.

Not in nursing school, been out for 34 yrs. But a quote that has kept me afloat for alot of years is from Jimmy Buffett-" if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane!" Always works for me!:jester:

Specializes in Medical-Surgical - Care of adults.

OK -- I'm not a student, but I've been an instructor for a LONG time. Herding Cats has it right -- you eat an elephant one bite at a time. I add to that, if it looks like an elephant (overwhelming) it's usually because there are so many important things that have to be done. When that's the case, I suggest that you not waste much time trying to prioritize. Instead, just CHOOSE one thing and do it. Then another, and another. Eventually, you'll whittle the elephant down to something manageable, and you will see clearly what you need to do next. If you're down to coping one minute at a time, you're still coping. :) And, remember, a certain amount of sleep is mandatory. Trying to learn when you're sleep deprived is a waste of time and effort. Good luck to every student nurse. I hope for a wonderful career for each of you. :nurse: And I got reminded on my first job as a nurse that my cap was a required part of my uniform. And, 2 or 3 years after I graduated, 2 nurses where I was employed came to work in those new pantsuit uniforms and got sent home to put on a uniform. :D

"Suck it up buttercup."

"God grant me serenity."


the serenity prayer encourages me the most....

god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change

the courage to change the things i can

and the wisdom to know the difference.

hang in there sn's - we need you!!!

I love this thread...so timely since it is finals week for me!!!

I have a sign in my study room that says "Priorities come down to choices. What will you choose today?" because I am a procrastinator and I have to remember to make good choices with my time.

My other:

Kid you'll move mountains!!


You're off to Great Places!

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting.

So... get on your way!!

Dr. Seuss

One of my favorite philosophers said" Life's hard, wear a helmet"- Jennifer Anniston

Specializes in Oncology, Triage, Tele, Med-Surg.

"Keep your eyes on the prize" (- It's worth it, and within reach. ):nurse:

I never post, but I seriously had a mantra throughout nursing school and beyond.....


not very inspirational, but it worked for me! :)

Specializes in Med-Surge, ER, GI Lab/Scopes.

"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to get on the bus" -nurse unk in my first clinical

"God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts" -unk

Specializes in Anesthesia, CCU, ICU.

"Failing is not an option!" -me

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