June 2010 CRNE Results

World Canada CRNE


I don't want to start the posts too early, but I was just wondering if anyone knew how long it is actually supposed to take to get results this year. I know that some people I worked with last summer got theirs in early-mid July. I checked out the CNO website and the CNA website (and a few others along the way) one says 8-12 weeks and the other says 4-6. I'm already driving myself crazy...if I have to wait another 8+ weeks I'll end up really going off the deep end :uhoh3:

Well for all ontarians.... Here is another rumor that we can run with :) ... Apparently cno has mailed out the results today ! So within the next couple days!! Sooo nervous here! Goodluck to everyone!

Specializes in MedSurg Nursing.

Clearly they were mailed before today, if people from Toronto already got it?? They get sent all together, no?

Well for all ontarians.... Here is another rumor that we can run with :) ... Apparently cno has mailed out the results today !

Quick, someone call the CNO and confirm this one... lol..

here in london, just checked the mail, nothing. if i failed this time and want to take the exam in october, but the deadline is next monday, there is no way i can make it to register the exam in october if i only could get the result this week. what am i going to do? do they give me extended time to register the exam? so frustrated because it is not my problem, it is theirs.

hi i live in mississauga, i fail by 17 marks.......do i have apply for revaluation????

i received result on friday..cno already mail result in ontario.

I've spent the last half hour reading through this post and would like to thank you all for your insight and support. I wrote the CRNE in June like most of you and have been waiting for my Temp Registration for about a month. I agree with many of you in that this system of waiting 6-8 weeks is absolutely ridiculous. With current technology the College could migrate to an online results system similar to the NCLEX however I think it will take a long time for them to get there and for three main reasons.

1) How much money do you think the College makes from Temp registrations? If they made the results available sooner they would lose a lot of revenue. However, my solution is that they increase the registration amount to make up for that lost revenue. Would you pay an additional $20 to have your results in 2 weeks?

2) This is the way that things have always been. If you talk to experienced nurses they'll tell you that this agonizing wait has been going on for a long time. It's almost a right of passage to becoming a nurse. This environment of "doing things because we've always done them that way" is deeply engrained in nursing practice. In school we are taught to critically think and to use best practice guidelines yet our profession is wrought with this attitude.

3) Nobody will ever put up a fuss long enough to get things changed. The truth is that even the most angry and frustrated nursing grad will be elated with joy once their results come in the mail. After you are all RNs, this experience will go down in your mind and you'll be telling new grads that everyone must go through this (see point no. 2 above).

I must also say that I was angered when I read the posts about the rude gentleman proctoring the exam in Ottawa. What frustrated me more was the fear from new grads about speaking up about this. We should NOT fear our governing body. Although the CNO (I'm talking Ontario here ...insert provincial body as required) is in place to protect the public, they also have a duty to behave professionally and respectfully to it's members. Remember that it's your dues that pay their stipend. Again referring to our education, we are taught that we must not ignore any behaviour unbecoming of this profession. I don't think that belittling a group of anxious exam writers is professional at all.

So off of the soap box and back to reality here. Most of the CNO is elected by RNs. What can you do to change the examination process? Bring it up to your elected officials. Or better yet run for positions yourself. There are many things that are wonderful about our profession however there are also many things that need to change. In order for that to happen WE must initiate the process.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer. I'm anxiously awaiting my results as well. Good luck to you all.

Specializes in ICU, ER.
The CNO also stated to someone in a previous post that they have not even mailed anything out as of friday but people have started to get their results before the weekend in ontario so I really dont know who to believe anymore......maybe they did send out the unsuccessful candiates their results first, I dont know....too many rumors flying around

Good point :p

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
hi i live in mississauga, i fail by 17 marks.......do i have apply for revaluation????

i received result on friday..cno already mail result in ontario.

Sorry to hear that. You don't need to apply for reevaluation, but you do have to apply to rewrite the exam. The deadline is July 26 in Ontario, but they'll extend it a few days for those who received their results late.

I wrote in June in Ottawa. This was my 3rd attempt and I know that I failed. There is no way that I got 121/200. I scanned about 30 or more questions and just picked an answer because the case study questions were so long as well as the independent questions. Even when the exam was over some did not even have time to finish. I wrote the CNO about it and how I bought the 5th edition to prepared for the new exam and did well in the book and the exam was awful. The book did not resemble the exam at all. I was disappointed to say the least. I also mentioned that the exam finished at the scheduled time but that it started 3 mins later therefore 3 mins should have been added.

I know that if my postage stamp (thin envelope) is around 57 -70 cents I passed and if the envelope is thick and the postage is near $1.00 I failed.

And since this was my third attempt I cannot re-write. But on there question sheet at the end of the exam where you had to fill out an evaluation, 1 question ask how many attempts and 1 answer was 3+. So there are people who do write it more than 3 times. I guess with exceptions. Good luck

Good point :p


Specializes in ICU, ER.

So, I just spoke to someone who just got off the phone with a CNO rep and they told her that "they should be going out today by 5 pm or tomorrow" :confused:

This is the part that is ridiculous. Telling everyone that calls something completely different. And people have already received their results, but they're still saying they haven't been sent.

I think they don't really know what's happenning...All we can do is to wait... Nobody I knew from school got the results yet...:(

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