how to juggle having a family and becoming a nurse practitioner


Hi! First, let me say that i am not yet a nurse. I am currently a highschool senior, and i applied to a university for the fall to obtain my bsn. I highly respect nurse, and I am very excited about this career path but I need some help...

After getting my BSN, I don't wan't to stop there. I wan't to then go on to get my master's degree to become a Pediatric nurse practitoner...this is my dream, but I also have an equally important dream of becoming a wife and mother. I've been dating my boyfriend for over three years now, and there's no doubt we will be getting married soon. We both want to be young parents, but I do not wan't to sacrifice my college and career. I wan't to work in both into my life, being able to not only have a family, but be able to help support it as well. Basically, i need to know when you think the best time to have kids would be: right after getting BSN, or after working for a year as a nurse before applying to nurse practitioner program. How did you go about getting degree, and when did you start a family? Any experience advice would be appreciated!

Thank you so much.

im in school now...worry about school first...then worry about marraige and kids if at all possible..things change in 4 years.. =)

Specializes in Correctional Nursing; MSN student.

You have noble goals! You are so young and have time on your side. While no one can tell you what's best for you I would encourage you to accomplish your goal to become a nurse first. You'll have your career going before you take on the tremendous responsibility of raising a family. Once you get into nursing you can decide whether or not you want to continue on for your NP. Go for it if you feel the drive! It is challenging to be a student and mother though many of us have done it. Having been there I would get the education under my belt first then you'll be able to focus on balancing it all. While I married and had kids later in life, my advice to my own children would be get that degree and education behind you'll be glad you did. The years go so fast you won't want to miss a beat when your children are born. Savor everything for the experience it provides. Best wishes in you journey.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

One way to look at it:

1.) Get married before college because that rocks when it comes to financial aid.

2.) Have children after BSN and working for a year (you'll still be in early 20's at this point)

3.) Work part time until all kids are out of diapers

4.) Go for NP.

Once upon a time I was in your situation minus the knowing what I wanted to do in life part. This is what I did:

1.) Got married at 19.

2.) Had first baby at 20. Stay at home mom from here on. Another kid at 23

3.) Baby was 2 and out of diapers when I started community college. Taken one or two night classes a semester so I am always home with my kids and husband has them when I'm at school. Hoping for nursing school ADN program starting fall 2012 and hoping to have BSN by 2016. And then hoping for NP school a few years after that.

Yes, I won't be a NP until I am well into my thirties, but I'll still have a good 30-40 years of working as an NP ahead of me and have the satisfaction of being home and raising my kids for all of their childhood. Once they are grown, it's over.

Best wishes in your decision!

Specializes in LTC.

I didn't look at the big picture at all when I was your age.

I went the LPN route, because then I thought 'hey I'm young, plenty of time'.

Had the boyfriend, who right after I passed my nclex I got engaged to and still thought I'd work a year and go back for my RN & we'd get married.

Well, I didn't make it a year even. I got pregnant while on birth control pills and I wasn't getting my RN nor was I married.

I got married, had two kids and now its 18 years later and I'm just now on my ASN. I plan to go on to get my RN to MSN through a bridge program.

I will be around 46-48 years old. It stinks being this old and juggling life to go to school but I deserve this, for me and my family.

If I could go back, I'd tell my boyfriend that as great as all this is I want to graduate with my BSN. Sorry.

My brother waited and so did his then girlfriend/now wife til he finished med school and was in his residency to marry. I wish I would have payed attention to what he was planning instead of hurrying.

I tell my kids all the time, to the point that they roll their eyes when I start this speech, start at the top. Do not start at the bottom, it is a long hard climb when you're older and have so many obligations.

Your plan is so well thought out, don't give it up until you've reached a point that you have to wait 18 years to start all over.

Wish you luck :)

Specializes in Home health was tops, 2nd was L&D.

I also had the kids then went to nursing school, then never quite got around to finishing BSN so NP is now out of question as I would not have enough work time to pay off loans. My advice to everyone is to get your education first, even NP first would be your top choice. Once you get education no one can take it away from you. And it gives you loads of options in case you end up getting married or getting pregnant, and not wanting to get married right then.

Decide that your life is the most important thing in your world. Ask boyfriend to wait, if no he is not really into your future life very much. I think finding new guy is much easier than going back to school. Even if you went straight thru to NP before discussing children you would still be a young parent.

My vote goes for You as Number One!

Thank you all sooo much for the helpful information. It's so nice to hear some words of wisdom that only the people who have actually experienced all of this can give. I really appreciate it.

Now to add to this, does any one know if there is a fast way to become a nurse practitioner..what would you recommend starting with a ADN working couple years to gain experience while taking rn to bsn classes online parttime and then apply for np program or what??? I'm so lost and i need to figure this out soon should i start with a adn or it necessary to gain experience before entering np program?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Go BSN right away. you'll kick yourself later if you don't.

Specializes in Med Surg, Home Health.

Hi, sort of in the same boat as you but am about a decade older.

Even so, I'm getting my BSN first then working at least a year before attempting to conceive with my husband...even if this puts me in my late 30's while first trying to have kids.

My sense of the nursing job market is that there's a traffic jam for entry level jobs for new grads, so I want to get past that traffic jam before having my family. Otherwise I could be stuck shuffling my feet in front of a potential employer going....ummmm....I DID get my nursing degree but then I took a break and forgot all those skills I had barely learned....but I now have a hire me.....mmmmmKAY?

I figure that when my kids start going to elementary school 1) I'll have a good foundation as a nurse, being 6 or 7 years in to my practice. The NP degree is designed to fit those with a previous practice as an RN, from what I've heard, NOT newbies with an education. And also 2) someone else will be taking care of my kids for 8 hours a day, giving me more time to study.

Of course, life is what happens, not our plans, but I'm determined to eventually get my NP!

Specializes in Home health was tops, 2nd was L&D.
Go BSN right away. you'll kick yourself later if you don't.

I agree completely, and then decide if you want to work As RN for a bit..different schools different remember they are planning to change NP education minimum in 2014 I believe or might have been 2012.....and then all the rules may change as well.

how much do nurse practitioners generally make in kentucky? anyone know?

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