Johns Hopkins University BSN/MSN Fall 2011

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Greetings Everyone!

I know this is early to make a thread for the Fall 2011 Hopkins Applicants! But still, it is better to start getting ready than waiting at the last minute! I highly suggest everyone start getting your letters of recommendations, and just hide it until you are ready to apply. I will be applying and submitting my application around September 2010 as an early decision applicant for Fall 2011.

I have to finish up Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Developmental Psychology, and one more chemistry class this coming Summer 2010. During the Fall of 2010 and Spring 2011, I will be finishing up just general requirements like history, Microbiology, English Composition, Statistics, some foreign languages, and humanities (elective classes).

I will be applying for the BSN Traditional Program considering I do not have a degree, thus, I am not qualified to apply for the accelerated program. I'm really excited about this.

I will only be applying to UPenn and Johns Hopkins University for my BSN traditional program. If I do not get accepted, I will be attending my current university's school of nursing. I am already in the university's nursing program, but I don't start clinical preceptorship until 2 years from now.

I will graduate May 2013 regardless where I go. Either JHU or UPenn or stay at my current university.

If I will be accepted at either JHU or UPenn, then definitely I will be attending those schools! I love nursing research, and I want to learn more about research and providing quality care to our patients.

We will see how it will go. I have six months until I submit my application to both schools. Remember time is running fast.

Hope everyone are doing well on their pre-requisites! Good luck to all!

Feel free to post around so we can help each other for Fall 2011! I've read the thread for the JHU Fall 2010. I've noticed everyone in that thread got accepted, and some waitlisted! Its a good sign!

Have a wonderful day!


Just scheduled my interview for 11/11 at 1pm! Most auspicious... ;)

Anyone else scheduled or had an interview yet? I'm guessing they wouldn't start interviewing until after the 11/1 deadline for ED.


Good luck with the interview! Make sure to tell us how it went :)

Anyone else have upcoming interviews?

Hi everyone!

I am new to the thread. I think it is great to keep up communication during the application process. I read some past years threads and it seemed to help everyone keep their sanity a bit by talking through it all!! So hopefully we can do the same! :D

So I am applying for the ABSN/MSN/MPH. I sent in my application at the end of last week. They emailed me Monday to confirm they received it but have not heard anything else from them. Has anyone (besides Cartwheel!) heard anything about scheduling interviews?

Also is anyone a Returned Peace Corps volunteer applying for the Fellows program?

Good luck everyone and I hope we hear something from JHU soon!!

Hey All -

I'm applying to the BS/MSN program and chose the pediatric NP program. From what I've read in prior years threads, they only interview those applying to the MSN program. Lolita, I'm sure you'll hear from them very soon. I got my application in about a week early, so I think that might be why I heard from them so quickly. Did you apply early decision?

I will definitely keep you guys posted on the interview. I spoke to a couple of current BS/MSN students at the open house and they both said that the interview is more of a conversation versus a barrage of hard-hitting questions. A bit of a relief, but I'm still anxious. I want this so bad!

I'm so thankful these forums are here! There is a certain comfort in knowing that there's a whole crew of us waiting (suffering?) together. ;)


Hi Cartwheel,

Yes I applied early decision. Are you doing an in-person interview? If so, how far are you travelling to go? I know I want this so bad too. I am applying to a few other schools but JHU is definitely my first choice, even though it is a lot of $$.

Hi Lolita -

I opted for a phone interview. I'm out in California and went to Baltimore for the open house, so an interview trip just isn't feasible right now. Missing school, taking time away from my jobs, and dealing with jetlag just didn't seem like it would help me put my best foot forward, ya know?

Where else are you applying? JHU is my first choice too. Fingers and toes crossed for all of us here. :)



I am from California too! Grew up in So Cal but most recently lived in SF for a few years. Now I am in Oregon temporarily, I just got done with Peace Corps so am in limbo til I figure out next steps!

I am also applying to Emory, Oregon Health and Sciences Univ, Univ of Minnesota, Ohio State, Duke, and University of Alabama (they have a Peace Corps program too).

I just scheduled my interview for next Thursday! I decided to make the trip out there since I have never been. Good luck Cartwheel on your interview this week! :D Let us know how it goes...


Yay! It's so exciting just to have an interview. I spent the weekend practicing answers to questions they may ask.

I found Baltimore to be a nice surprise. It's got some really great areas. Enjoy your trip!


Lolita, I'm also a RPCV! Where and when did you serve? I was in the Republic of Moldova from 2008-2010.

Cartwheel, thank you for the info regarding the interview. I am applying to the BSN and was anxious as to why they haven't scheduled an interview with me! Phew!

Does anyone know if it would be too late to fulfill a prerequisite during the summer of 2011 if you're applying for fall 2011?

Good luck to those who are interviewing!

mamaliga -

I believe that so long as all prereqs are complete by the start of the program, you should be fine. I would definitely confirm with JHU admissions though. What do you have left to take?


For Spring Semester, I'm taking Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition. I don't think I could handle Microbiology with that load so I'll need to take it during the summer. I hope they don't hold this against me.

Hi Mamaliga,

I served in Ecuador from 2008-2010. I got back to the states in June. I am also doing my prereqs. I am in Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology right now and am doing my Nutrition class online. Next semester I am taking Life Span/Human Development and another course of Anatomy/Physiology. Like Cartwheel said you just have to have prereqs completed by start date of program. However, you should double check with admissions about taking a class in summer. Also look into Nutrition courses online. As long as it is accredited they accept online courses for prereqs (as long as the classes dont have labs).

Did you apply for the Accelerated or Traditional BSN?

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