Johns Hopkins University BSN/MSN Fall 2011

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Greetings Everyone!

I know this is early to make a thread for the Fall 2011 Hopkins Applicants! But still, it is better to start getting ready than waiting at the last minute! I highly suggest everyone start getting your letters of recommendations, and just hide it until you are ready to apply. I will be applying and submitting my application around September 2010 as an early decision applicant for Fall 2011.

I have to finish up Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Developmental Psychology, and one more chemistry class this coming Summer 2010. During the Fall of 2010 and Spring 2011, I will be finishing up just general requirements like history, Microbiology, English Composition, Statistics, some foreign languages, and humanities (elective classes).

I will be applying for the BSN Traditional Program considering I do not have a degree, thus, I am not qualified to apply for the accelerated program. I'm really excited about this.

I will only be applying to UPenn and Johns Hopkins University for my BSN traditional program. If I do not get accepted, I will be attending my current university's school of nursing. I am already in the university's nursing program, but I don't start clinical preceptorship until 2 years from now.

I will graduate May 2013 regardless where I go. Either JHU or UPenn or stay at my current university.

If I will be accepted at either JHU or UPenn, then definitely I will be attending those schools! I love nursing research, and I want to learn more about research and providing quality care to our patients.

We will see how it will go. I have six months until I submit my application to both schools. Remember time is running fast.

Hope everyone are doing well on their pre-requisites! Good luck to all!

Feel free to post around so we can help each other for Fall 2011! I've read the thread for the JHU Fall 2010. I've noticed everyone in that thread got accepted, and some waitlisted! Its a good sign!

Have a wonderful day!


hey sunnycalifornia! thanks for the response. do you know if the date to put down the deposit was still march 30? i still haven't heard anything about the msn, and i thought it would be weird to put down a deposit for a school i didn't know if i was accepted into!

Hey jsda - I called the nursing school admissions office yesterday to ask them about the deposit issue. The person I talked to either (a) sincerely didn't understand my question, even though I think I made it pretty clear, or (b) did a really good job of avoiding giving me any sort of answer. I left a voicemail for an admissions counselor who did not return my call. I also called last Friday to ask about this and was told by a live person that an admissions counselor would call me when they returned from lunch, and no one ever did. I also asked about this a few weeks ago, anticipating that we might not hear by March 30th, and was told that we "will definitely hear about the MSN before March 30th." That turns out to have been incorrect information. I am pretty shocked at how they are carrying out this admissions process. I can't believe people are singing the praises of this administration. I have been to some pretty top rate schools in my day, and never have I experienced such a lack of communication and absence of information. At least you would think they could send out an email to explain how the ABSN deadline will be affected by the delay in MSN decisions.

Hey jsda - I called the nursing school admissions office yesterday to ask them about the deposit issue. The person I talked to either (a) sincerely didn't understand my question, even though I think I made it pretty clear, or (b) did a really good job of avoiding giving me any sort of answer. I left a voicemail for an admissions counselor who did not return my call. I also called last Friday to ask about this and was told by a live person that an admissions counselor would call me when they returned from lunch, and no one ever did. I also asked about this a few weeks ago, anticipating that we might not hear by March 30th, and was told that we "will definitely hear about the MSN before March 30th." That turns out to have been incorrect information. I am pretty shocked at how they are carrying out this admissions process. I can't believe people are singing the praises of this administration. I have been to some pretty top rate schools in my day, and never have I experienced such a lack of communication and absence of information. At least you would think they could send out an email to explain how the ABSN deadline will be affected by the delay in MSN decisions.

fair statements. not impressive.

Hey everyone,

I am in the accelerated class, and I wanted to give my perspective on the ABSN vs Traditional class.

I think the biggest reason I picked the ABSN over the traditional was the timeline. We started in June 2010 and graduate in 4 months (July 2011). If I had picked the traidtionala class I would have started August 2010 and ended in May 2012. In the end we graduate about 9 months earlier. And if you look at the cost of the ABSN vs Traditional class, the ABSN is cheaper, even if its not much, for me saving a few hundred here and there makes a difference.

The traditional class does have some advantages, such as a little bit slower pace, but the biggest advantage is having the summer off. During this time you can get a job and begin to make more connections.

On the other hand, for me, I broke it down to: Graduate 9 mo earlier and get 9 months of experience as an RN, or graduate in the trad program and get 3 months of CNA experience, it was an easy decision for me. Something I hear often is, well the trads get so much experience during the summer to graduate and get a job. But in the end, the ABSN graduates 9 months earlier, during that time we can work as a CNA or RN, and be in the same place if not in a better position to get a job or already have a job.

The accelerated pace is fast, but if you are used to being in a school with a quarter system you will be fine. As far as exams and papers go, you will be busy BUT, I have had plenty of time to procrastinate, to hang out, to be lazy, and most importantly to have fun in Baltimore. So when the student above me says that instructors see us like zombies, I'm not sure who they are referring to. Most everyone I know has plenty of time to hang out and have fun, and school is NOT all that we do. I will admit there are students (although I like to think they are in the minority) who do immerse themselves completely into school and are overly stressed, for the most part my class is not like that.

If you really want to get through nursing school and become a nurse as quickly as possible then pick the ABSN. In the end I knew before i came into school that I wanted to be an ICU nurse, and so I wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

Just keep in mind, the ABSN is busy, but it's not as bad as everyone says.

If you have any more questions about the ABSN pace / program don't hesitate to reply back, I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have.

I received an email this morning from the Admissions Office stating they had not received my decision regarding the Acc BSN portion. I had sent an email a week ago to my interviewer asking when we would hear about the MSN portion since I did not feel prepared to accept admission for the Acc BSN without knowing about the MSN but hadn't received a reply. I called today regarding the email and asked if they had already sent out responses to the MSN. " The lady who answered said, "I don't know about your case in particular," and took my name and eventually transferred me to another person. She said I was waitlisted "as were many other applicants due to the overwhelming number of applicants and limited number of spots." I asked if I was ever notified of this decision. She said no (actually she said something like, "we have a note that someone contacted you by phone regarding a decision but that was for the acc BSN so I'm sorry"). I forgot to ask when I could expect to hear if I got in off the waitlist to pass that info on to you all, but I declined admission. The whole things seems a bit unbelievable. Maybe by waiting they can eliminate people like me that are willing to go elsewhere, making it easier to make the rest of the decisions? I don't really understand. Well, hopefully that means someone here will be more likely to get in. Good luck to you! It is still an amazing school if you don't mind the suspense! (Maybe that #1 ranking has made them cocky ;))

hey--which school did you accept? and do you regret going to a cheaper but not as high ranked school?? i'm in the middle of deciding if i want to go to a cheaper closer school or the number 1 school

I have done a great amount of digging over the last few weeks and am concerned. It appears that Hopkins has waitlisted just about everyone in a primary care masters specialty, largely because hospitals and clinics are forced to focus on cost reduction rather than maximizing patient care. Penn has gone even further, refusing to take any primary care applications until 2013 (look at their website, it's startling). Other schools are admitting students and praying for the best, as they are having trouble finding clinical spots even after doubling number of students per preceptor and switching to overnight and weekend shifts. Frankly, there seems to be a bleak immediate and medium term future for aspiring NPs in primary care.

Specializes in Oncology.


I am a current ABSN student (who really should be studying at the moment :coollook: ) For all you guys worried about not being accepted into the MSN program yet, I don't really know what to tell you as far as timeline, BUT a lot of people I know both in my class and in past classes who were accepted to the MSN program either dropped or deferred. Getting a BSN is intense, especially for accels, but it's not a walk in the park for the trads either. It exhausting and a lot of people want a break and time to work. There is also the fact that some people don't like it here, either Hopkins or Baltimore, and want to go somewhere else. The nice part about Hopkins is your RN is not dependent on completing the masters. Basically what I'm saying is, if you've gotten into the ABSN or Trad program, relax, the first ball is rolling. It would suck to think that you've spent this whole time stressing and making decisions based on something you might not want in a year or two anyway. Good luck to ya'll.

I'm glad to find this thread. There definitely seems to be a lack of JH threads on this site unless they are hiding. Someone at the beginning of the thread said you needed 2 years of chem for pre-reqs? I have a year of chem (it's old though) and was considering taking 1 semester of chem since UMD requires it. I feel pretty good about my chem knowledge though as I took a grad molecular biology class that had a decent overview of chem.

I won't be applying for a while though. I should be done with my pre-reqs summer 2012 so I might try to see if I can apply for fall 2012 or if chem is required, that'd push me to summer 2013 (if they don't accept my current chem)

Hi I know this is extremely extremely late-- but I was wondering if there are any traditional first degree students in this forum? Is there anyone out here trying to find a roommate as well? Please let me know ur contact info- would be great to get a hold of anyone soon!

Hi I know this is extremely extremely late-- but I was wondering if there are any traditional first degree students in this forum? Is there anyone out here trying to find a roommate as well? Please let me know ur contact info- would be great to get a hold of anyone soon!

Hi there! Aww did you just get your acceptance? My roommates and I are going to be in the Trad 2013 class and am looking for someone to fill a room in a very nice row home. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] :) Congrats! :D

Hey everyone,

I am in the accelerated class, and I wanted to give my perspective on the ABSN vs Traditional class.

I think the biggest reason I picked the ABSN over the traditional was the timeline. We started in June 2010 and graduate in 4 months (July 2011). If I had picked the traidtionala class I would have started August 2010 and ended in May 2012. In the end we graduate about 9 months earlier. And if you look at the cost of the ABSN vs Traditional class, the ABSN is cheaper, even if its not much, for me saving a few hundred here and there makes a difference.

The traditional class does have some advantages, such as a little bit slower pace, but the biggest advantage is having the summer off. During this time you can get a job and begin to make more connections.

On the other hand, for me, I broke it down to: Graduate 9 mo earlier and get 9 months of experience as an RN, or graduate in the trad program and get 3 months of CNA experience, it was an easy decision for me. Something I hear often is, well the trads get so much experience during the summer to graduate and get a job. But in the end, the ABSN graduates 9 months earlier, during that time we can work as a CNA or RN, and be in the same place if not in a better position to get a job or already have a job.

The accelerated pace is fast, but if you are used to being in a school with a quarter system you will be fine. As far as exams and papers go, you will be busy BUT, I have had plenty of time to procrastinate, to hang out, to be lazy, and most importantly to have fun in Baltimore. So when the student above me says that instructors see us like zombies, I'm not sure who they are referring to. Most everyone I know has plenty of time to hang out and have fun, and school is NOT all that we do. I will admit there are students (although I like to think they are in the minority) who do immerse themselves completely into school and are overly stressed, for the most part my class is not like that.

If you really want to get through nursing school and become a nurse as quickly as possible then pick the ABSN. In the end I knew before i came into school that I wanted to be an ICU nurse, and so I wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

Just keep in mind, the ABSN is busy, but it's not as bad as everyone says.

If you have any more questions about the ABSN pace / program don't hesitate to reply back, I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have.

Hello, I appreciate your account thank you!! I have been looking for JH ABSN people here, and have found so few posts that I assumed they are all too busy to write here! Everyday I am thinking about what it's gonna be like. In January, I'll start the Acc Bs > Ms with Clinical Residency for CNS, and your post gives me courage. I think there will be a couple of grad courses thrown into the 11 month ABSN which is definitely going to be challenging, I'm sure, however - I can focus 100% of my time on school to get it done!

Do you know any CNS students? Not to be morbid, but do you know any drop outs?


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