Job Satisfaction

Nurses General Nursing


As a soon to be nursing student this wonderful website has opened my eyes about the nursing profession making the gritty reality of it visible but in light of that I was wondering how do you like your job? Do you dread going to work each day or do you love the feeling it gives you?

Specializes in Cardiac, Hospice, Float pool, Med/Peds.

I love my job. I am a RN all the time and I know that others are not like this, but I am just that way. I look forward to going to work each day. Don't get me wrong, somedays I am glad to get out of there if it is busy and I have not peed, but most days I am loving work...

Specializes in School Nursing.
I have never truly enjoyed any job I've ever had.

This is not specifically related to the nursing profession, since I've worked in other fields before becoming a nurse. I can freely admit that I don't like to be occupied by work because I'm somewhat lazy. I'm a hard worker and people generally like working with me because I help out, but I secretly crave to be paid to do absolutely nothing.

:yeah:I love this thought ! I could get used to that too !

Praiser :heartbeat

Specializes in School Nursing.

I do have to say that I love my job. However, I am in an area of nursing with great hours and lots of time off, so I think it is harder to get burned out. Strangely, though, I am starting to miss bedside nursing and I'm thinking of applying for PRN hospital jobs. Yes, I am a glutton for punishment!

Well, best not to ask me since I'm new and still in that uphill learning curve. I have SO much fun on some days, and have very frustrating days. Depends who's in charge mostly and the patients/families and whatever tech I'm dealing with also.

I've had great moments in nursing -- patients who do and say sweet things, receiving messages of thanks, etc.

Overall, I feel it can be an oppressive type of job -- but you sure do get SMART and gain a lot of competence from it.

Can't beat it for opportunities and so many pathways. i think once I've found my niche in nursing, I'll be a lot better. And some more expereince so I don't feel like such a nerd!

Specializes in Rehab, Med Surg, Home Care.

I mostly enjoy it b/c I never know what the day will bring, only that it will challenge me physically, intellectually and emotionally. (And simetimes I feel a bit apprehensive going in the door-for those same reasons.) I often feel as if I could have reacted faster or been a little more thorough but usually at the end of the day my feeling is generally satisfaction.

For the majority of the time I really do enjoy my job. I work LTC and I have always loved the geriatric population. Now, every once in a while, I dread going in or really don't want to be there that day, for a garden variety of reasons..I'm tired, I know that Mrs Jones needs a procedure done by me that I really don't want to do, full moon etc.

I also don't need the job for bill paying and such. I do the job because I want to, not because I have to. I think that also makes the stress level go down a bit knowing I can walk away anytime I want.

So to answer the question yes, I am satisfied with my current position. But always looking for bigger and better opportunities :)

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.
I secretly crave to be paid to do absolutely nothing.

That makes two of us. :)

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
I have never truly enjoyed any job I've ever had.

This is not specifically related to the nursing profession, since I've worked in other fields before becoming a nurse. I can freely admit that I don't like to be occupied by work because I'm somewhat lazy. I'm a hard worker and people generally like working with me because I help out, but I secretly crave to be paid to do absolutely nothing.

Thank you for caring enough,to share. :yeah:

Specializes in Cardiac/Step-Down, MedSurg, LTC.

I'd like my job a lot if I didn't have management down my throat and up my butt all the time! I took my job in LTC because I couldn't find anything else last summer after 5 months of searching. I often get stressed because I'm one nurse for 32 residents with 2 CNAs and I don't have enough hands when it gets busy.

I know this isn't what I want to do for 30 more years. I really want to get into Med Surg for the hospital experience and see where it takes me. Unfortunately the market in my area is awful right now so I'm stuck.

I am so looking forward to the day I give notice at this place!

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