Job Embeddedness

Nurses General Nursing


Started this thread to find out how many of you feel that you have accomplished job embeddedness.

In what type of setting do you work?

What is the culture of your organization?

How many years have you worked there?

What is it that makes you so connected to your job?

When you post to get answers for an obvious online discussion group assignment we should get college credit too.

Ok good for you. I am not getting college credit either. To think I came on a nursing board to actually talk to professional nurses about topics I am interested in and all I am getting is backlash. Stop harassing me. Thanks.

Excuse me for not coming on the forum ranting about my bad days at work and how I hate my job. Excuse me for bringing up different "off the wall" topics.

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.
Excuse me for not coming on the forum ranting about my bad days at work and how I hate my job. Excuse me for bringing up different "off the wall" topics.

OP---this forum has been abused over and over by students seeking others to do their work. You've said you're not doing that and you are believed, at least by me and I think others. However, your continued defensiveness is setting you up for a rough go in this forum. Your approach could use some fine tuning (ever heard of "you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar"?). I think it's great that you wanted to ask a very intelligent question, but please appreciate and respect the posters who have bucked against that and who, with good cause, thought you were wanting homework help. And, sometimes, "ranting about my bad days at work and how I hate my job" may be just what you need to do. Don't burn bridges of support before you build them.

Specializes in Hospice.
Excuse me for not coming on the forum ranting about my bad days at work and how I hate my job. Excuse me for bringing up different "off the wall" topics.

I tried to explain the roots of our attitudes and you said you understood - so why are you still whining?

I call troll.

OP---this forum has been abused over and over by students seeking others to do their work. You've said you're not doing that and you are believed, at least by me and I think others. However, your continued defensiveness is setting you up for a rough go in this forum. Your approach could use some fine tuning (ever heard of "you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar"?). I think it's great that you wanted to ask a very intelligent question, but please appreciate and respect the posters who have bucked against that and who, with good cause, thought you were wanting homework help. And, sometimes, "ranting about my bad days at work and how I hate my job" may be just what you need to do. Don't burn bridges of support before you build them.

Thanks. I'm just not a person who takes kindly to bullying and felt I should stand up for myself against these people. But you are right. I think if I continue I'm sure I will be wasting my time for days.

Specializes in Hospice.

Seems to me that you're the one doing the bullying: demanding something for nothing and getting snarky when you get called on it.

We are not your whipping post.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Well this was a fun thread

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.
Thanks. I'm just not a person who takes kindly to bullying and felt I should stand up for myself against these people. But you are right. I think if I continue I'm sure I will be wasting my time for days.

If you continue with the current tone, I wholeheartedly agree. However, if you continue with the forum and learn, and continue to post, you might just find that this is a really diverse, neat group of folks who provide a good sounding board, and a good community to continue being involved in. I'm sorry you felt they were bullying you.....don't think they were, but that is what you felt. Defensiveness breeds defensiveness, unfortunately. A "do again" could be a totally positive and learning experience for you and those who read. Don't jump ship yet!

If you continue with the current tone, I wholeheartedly agree. However, if you continue with the forum and learn, and continue to post, you might just find that this is a really diverse, neat group of folks who provide a good sounding board, and a good community to continue being involved in. I'm sorry you felt they were bullying you.....don't think they were, but that is what you felt. Defensiveness breeds defensiveness, unfortunately. A "do again" could be a totally positive and learning experience for you and those who read. Don't jump ship yet!

Thanks I really felt like quitting. I've been a long term looker for many years even before I became a nurse, looking for my first job, and interview tips for the job I just landed. I felt I should join and contribute for all that this forum has done in helping me. I really appreciate your positive words.

I understand where you're coming from, NursehoneyBeBe. It seems like any attempt to exchange ideas through a round table dialogue in any sort of forum is becoming a remarkably rare commodity indeed.

Specializes in geriatrics.

I've worked at my current setting 2 years.

I enjoy the role, and working with some of the staff and the residents

The culture of the organization continues to shift and morale has been low.

I'm connected to my job because I naturally have a good work ethic. Otherwise, why bother? However, the need to pay bills keeps me there full time.

That's awesome. I was at my previous job for 2+ years and politics from management and the workload caused me to start looking elsewhere. I've learned that if you can't fix it or make change then move on. Hopefully I've found a home here in my new job and this is where I'll move up the clinical ladder, explore many different areas, and retire.

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