Published Jul 19, 2006
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
I was so happy to see a dayshift Labor and Delivery position open up online. I applied. Today, I found out that the posting was a mistake, that it was supposed to be a PM shift position, that all L and D nurses are hired for nights, then go on waiting lists for days.
I really want labor/delivery. really, really do! BUT, i'm not so sure about the night shift thing. I've been a nurse for a bit more htan a year, and worked nights for 1 week and didn't like it.
So, do i want to go for this job that i really want and a shift i'm not so fond of?
I imagine that in L and D, there would be just as much activity at night as during the day (thats good, for me).
aaahhhh, so do i
1. keep the job i have, day shift, in a unit thats okay, but not great
2. go for the unit i really want, on nights, and be on day waiting list.
vamedic4, EMT-P
1,061 Posts
I was so happy to see a dayshift Labor and Delivery position open up online. I applied. Today, I found out that the posting was a mistake, that it was supposed to be a PM shift position, that all L and D nurses are hired for nights, then go on waiting lists for days. I really want labor/delivery. really, really do! BUT, i'm not so sure about the night shift thing. I've been a nurse for a bit more htan a year, and worked nights for 1 week and didn't like it. So, do i want to go for this job that i really want and a shift i'm not so fond of? I imagine that in L and D, there would be just as much activity at night as during the day (thats good, for me). aaahhhh, so do i 1. keep the job i have, day shift, in a unit thats okay, but not great2. go for the unit i really want, on nights, and be on day waiting list.
Hi HappyNurse!!!
I guess the most important thing is to ask yourself HOW MUCH L/D is important to you? You seem pretty set on it - and given that "all" positions filled are night positions for your chosen field (since day time positions are so coveted), you stand a better chance of getting your day slot if you prove your mettle on nights.
What is it that you didn't like about the nights you worked?? Another VERY important question. Was it the staff, the doctors, the hours?? Anything that you could have misjudged??
You might find that nights is a fit for you after all. It is an adjustment, to be sure. And not one that many people find easy. But for's the only shift I'll work.
Best of luck with your decision, I'm sure it's a tough one.
Have a good night.
surviving the heat in Texas
dorimar, BSN, RN
635 Posts
you just need to do your time. It may not be long before a day position opens for you. In most places i have worked, they save the day positions for the night people who want them (i think that is fair). Just get in line.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Labor and Delivery spots are at a premium, meaning that many new nurses would be happy to land any shift as long as it is L&D. Go with your gut feeling, because we cannot possibly tell with certainty what is best for you.
vamedic4 surviving the heat in Texas
347 Posts
I'm starting on nights which I'm not thrilled about but I know where I want to be and I have to serve my time to be there. I can handle it for a while and I'm just keeping my eye on the prize - unit I want and ultimately, the shift I want. I can wait.
NOT keeping cool in Texas - a/c is on the fritz and it's literally 88 degrees in my house right now - 10PM. I"m miserable. I just took a cold shower.
rn/writer, RN
9 Articles; 4,168 Posts
Sound like you're going to have to start on nights in L&D whether you do it now or a year from now. Might as well get it over with.
KellNY, RN
710 Posts
Yep. If you don't get it, there will be 30 others in line for their chance.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I agree with the other posters: if you want it bad enough, you'll have to do the night shift first. I will say that one week isn't enough to get used to night shift - it really takes a couple of months - I worked night shift for 14 years at various places and it does take a while to get used to.
Good luck.
I think I didn't like night shift as much b/c I really like all the activity others say they don't like-doctors coming around, procedures, families, awake patients, etc. New admissions. Which would all still happen at night in labor/delivery.
plus, my baby was still breastfeeding then, so even though i was day sleeping, my hubby would bring her up to nurse (i told him to)
ahhh....i told the recruiter im still interested, so we'll see if htey are interested in me.
thank you for all advice. i know ya'll can't tell me what to do, but sometimes seeing/hearing other people say what my subconscious is also saying makes me realize what i really already know. (did that make sense_
thank you
1,927 Posts
I agree with the other posters. L&D is a premium, you have to start somewhere and when you have put in your time and a spot opens up you'll get it. Some positives about nights: less upper managment hovering over your shoulder, nurses are closer knit on nights and you'll probably learn more. I work weekend option and I love it because it's less stressful - no upper managment, no social workers, dietary, etc. Nights aren't my fav either (although I stay up to 5am) but if a L&D spot opened I'd take it in a heartbeat. Also, you could take the position while looking at other hospitals to see if they are hiring L&D. If a spot opens up at another hospital at least you can say you have some experience.
I guess you need to decide just how badly you want that position.
4,177 Posts
everyone starts somewhere not all those nurses who work nights do it from choice
make it clear that you do want to be on a day waiting list . sometimes they FORGET?? also if you have a change in command remind the new chief that you are predisposed for day shift
if you feel that you can't possibly work nights wait something else may show up yo may get a job in another area that you like after you get into it
myself i would give it a try you can learn a lot and they will learn what kind of nurse your are
good luck