Published Jan 1, 2015
Joe V
7 Articles; 2,555 Posts
Can you help us out? We have a cartoon with a missing caption.
We will give you $100 if you provide us with the winning caption that belongs to this cartoon. All you have to do is follow the Caption Contest Rules below.
Caption Contest Rules
To qualify for the $100, your caption must be posted here on You may submit as many captions as you wish. We will choose eight finalists in which you will vote for your favorite.
Everyone is allowed to participate! Share and tell your friends, family, and co-workers to join the fun!
Top 8 captions chosen - help us select the winner @ January 2015 Top 8 Captions - Help Select $100 Winner
Lev, MSN, RN, NP
4 Articles; 2,805 Posts
Need some help in there? Umm....No? YES!
46 Posts
"It's ok, his stool sample came back negative for C-DIFF"
Mr. Smith's bowel prep isn't going so well.
So this is what happens when I order enemas?
"So I'm guessing the enema worked?"
I've never heard of an allergic reaction to giving enemas, but I supposed red boils and yellow pustules could be a sign of that.
'Code Brown room 416, Code Brown room 416!' is heard over the intercom..unfortunately the code team takes a little longer to arrive than Sally would have liked.
"Um nurse, whenever your ready we need you in room 201"
Julie Reyes, DNP, RN
14 Articles; 260 Posts
Hey, I'm going to lunch, will you watch my patients for me?"
vintage_RN, BSN, RN
717 Posts
Did somebody call a code brown?
"Sally to the nurses station for a phone call, Sally to the nurses station"